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The cast of Riverdale all sat on separate stools per person, gathering around for the question and answer portion of the comic con. Respectively, their order would be: Y/N Y/LN, Madelaine Petsch, KJ Apa, Camila Mendes, Lili Reinhart, Cole Sprouse, and Casey Cott. As soon as they all have relaxed and smiled before the fans and audience, the hosts told them that they (the cast) will be answering questions coming from the audience.

There was a mic by the beginning of the aisle and people were already lined up, ages ranging from teens to adults, with questions waiting to be answered. The first person who get to ask the question was a girl, wearing the most Tumblr outfit ever with her black rimmed glasses up to the bridge of her nose.

She starts off, "Oh, my God. First of all, KJ, I love you!"

"Aw, I love you too!" He says back, flashing his signature smile that killed ladies and, possibly, men alike, before chuckling.

"Okay," the girl giggles out of joy. "So, this question is directed to Lili: how does it feel to kiss Cole Sprouse?"

The cast looks at the blonde girl with a microphone in her hands, waiting for her to answer. Lili brought up the mic to her face, cheekily smiling, she answered. "Feels good."

"Feels great," Cole chimes in, laughing a bit.

"But I like kissing Cami more!" The crowd cheers, but most of them coming from Beronica shippers.

"Jesus, take the wheel! My Beronica heart can't take it!" Y/N, who played Zariah King, blurts out. She's one of the shippers of Beronica, either in a friendly way or in a relationship. Hearing that come from Lili made her extremely ecstatic and she just couldn't.

The crowd laughs at her.

A boy came next to the mic stand for the audience and asked, "So, Y/N," the girl listens well to the boy asking, "What can you tell us about Zariah's life now that we've learned so many things about her family throughout the season so far?"

"Ooh, good question," she points out. "But, uh... Zariah's life is definitely messed up, as of the moment. Things are really happening and it's, for her, too much! I mean, they're just sophomores and drama's really... Whoo!" The crowd laughs lightly along with her. "Clearly, after revealing that they have an older brother they've never known about up until now, episode nine, the Kings are definitely hiding something from their past. And about Cheryl..." Y/N slowly turns her head to see Madelaine, the girl who plays the fiery redhead in the show, smiling.

"What about my girl, huh?" Madelaine challenges her, making Y/N giggle.

"Well, we all know that Cheryl's a tough girl to handle—Ouch!" She was cut off when the girl next to her smacks her arm. "See, evidence! But anyways, there will be a lot of things happening between them since the relationship between Zariah and Cheryl is... developing." She nods in the end.

"Yeah, I agree. And it's a really slow, messy kind of development. If you guys watched episode seven where Zariah and Jughead had this kind of dream sequence with the same theme, Y/N and I are engaged in that scene—"

Before Madelaine continues, Y/N interrupts, "You and I are engaged?" She smirks at her, teasingly, before turning her face to the crowd, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh, my God..." Madelaine rolls her eyes, smiling while biting her lip. "I meant Zariah and Cheryl!"

"Wow, your on-screen girl-slash-cast mate is offended, Mads." Y/N side-comments, pouting. Madelaine send her a look, causing her to chuckle and shake her head in amusement.

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