Twenty Three

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"Zari...? What are you doing here?"

Cheryl opened the front door, late at night. I wasn't sure how I got here. It must've been the alcohol running through me.

I shrugged, not knowing how to answer her question.

"You texted me, told me to open the door. And by texting, I meant you drunk texting me. I hope this isn't a booty call, Zar." She places her hand in the door, squeezing through to be with me outside Sabrina's place.

"It's... it's... not a booty call, Cherry Princess." I took weird steps towards the wall next to the front door then leaned my temple against it. "I want you to come home, with me. Live with me instead of here."

"Oh, Z...." She reaches over to cup my cheek, caressing it. "What about Sabrina? She's kind of restless now and mad at you for beating her up. You know you shouldn't do that. You're not a monster."

I groaned, slurring out the words, "I don't give a fucking shit about her... She can die for all I know."

Then I watched her connect her eyebrows together. And for some reason, it got me smiling when I shouldn't be. But maybe that was the alcohol's doing. She said, "I'll... get my things. I'm driving and you stay in the passenger seat, are we clear?" I stood up straight and saluted. "God, you're crazy..." she giggles, going back inside.

"I'll be here, Cherry Princess!"

And I skipped down their porch, making a beeline towards her red car. Not really caring much, I just stepped in. I almost fell on my face when I tried to place my other leg in and thank God I had fast reflexes.

Cheryl must've made it into her bedroom since I saw lights coming from the window. There was a shadow of a person moving around as tilted my head side to side, smiling like a child. Seconds later, the light was gone and so was the shadow. I waited once more, leaning my head back in the headrest.

When she got out, she had her bag with her, still wearing the pink satin romper she used as her sleeping attire. And her floral robe was still on. She walks towards the car and I waved at her, childishly. She just showed a cheeky smile before handing me her bag and got in.

I leaned towards her, turning my body as I hugged her bag close. "I'm happy, you know..."

She turns the engine on, biting her lip. Then as she tries to sneakily back up in the driveway, she asks me while glancing. "And why is that?"

"Because you're coming home! To me! To a better home than that shit hole we drove away from!" I laughed out loud, extending my arm out in the air. "And you... you make me happy, Cheryl." But I didn't stop there. God, no. So I spewed out words that got her staring at me when she stopped at a red light. "Yet you make me sad."

She remained quiet with a solemn look.

"Why... why is that?" And I shake my head.

"You asked that already. Ask a better question." I faced the front, staring at the empty street with the street lights hovering above us.

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