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I ran.

I ran as fast as I could, away from all the whispers I've been hearing. They wouldn't stop even when I got outside of school. They only got louder and louder. It was starting to hurt me the way I felt at 13.

The countless streets, houses, trees, cars, and people I've been passing by, I didn't know I could reach to the point where I matched my past once again. And I couldn't turn my back now.

The graveyard.

This is where he was. The place he was buried in the same as Zander, my twin. My feet were hurting that I ended up walking. I walked and I walked to my brother's tombstone in this eerie setting.

Seeing all these countless of cemented tombs made me feel something. A hint of regret, fear, and sadness. And maybe, even, delirious.

And I stopped. My direction only led me to his tomb and I stared at it. I probably looked like shit right now, but his place was clean. It still has flowers laid on top of it, a few lit candles, meaning people have been visiting my brother's grave. They're either from Xael or Mom, or maybe even others whom I wasn't expecting to visit.

In the distance, I saw what I've feared. It was his tombstone and my thoughts had no other choice but to remember the fault I've committed.

It was in 6th grade, and mornings weren't my thing. I frowned as soon as I woke up. I ate in silence. The mansion wasn't full, but it wasn't empty either. Zander sat in front of me and smiled. It was the same smile he showed me every now and then. A signature smile.

"Hey Zar!" There was this glee in his voice. This was repeated, tons and tons of times.

"Hey Zan." I looked at him before quietly returning to eat breakfast.

He sighs, "You need to cheer up a bit. It's school day!"

"There's nothing to be happy about a school day, nerd." I rolled my eyes, standing up to bring my plate in the sink. "I'll be waiting in the car. Hurry up."

The look on his face is still vivid inside my head. He was disappointed in me. He had a frown on his face and his eyebrows showed sadness too.

Sebastian was by the front door and he opened it for me, saying, "Your bag is in the car, Ms. King."

I stopped right in front of him with a weak glare. "I told you not to call me that, Sebastian. Zariah's fine by me."

"But your father told me so."

"And I am my father's daughter. Do otherwise of what I say, you know where you're heading." I told him off before zooming past him. I turn back to look at him, "Got it?"

He followed me, "Yes, Zariah."

I got in the car and sat in silence. Zander came out a few minutes later as Sebastian addressed him as "Mr. King." He had this high and mighty grin on his face as he sat down next to me.

I said, "You know, someday, you're going to wipe that smile on your face, you rich son of a damn writer."

He chuckles, "Hey, don't hate. I get all the girls in school because of it."

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