Chapter 16

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Mrs. Jetson was shaking. Tremors were running up and down her body as the man and the others came closer and closer to their hiding spot. She looked over to her husband, and could not help but notice that he was as y calm as ever. It was almost to the point that it was unnerving- how calm he was. She did not understand how he could be so stoic in a situation that probably endangered both of their lives.

Sighing, she turned away from her husband to watch what was going on in their house. The first man (the one that had called for the others) was running his hand along the wall like Mr. Jetson had right before they had found the tremors. Mrs. Jetson could barely stand to see it happening, but the alternative of not seeing it would be much, much worse to her. It would be something similar to torture, at least to Mrs. Jetson.

The man’s hands slowly pulled off a piece of paper from the wall and stepped backwards a couple of feet. Mrs. Jetson finally let out a large sigh of relief. He started to read the paper out loud….

The F. B. O. P. agent hoped that he was doing the right thing. He really, really hoped so. If not, well then, he could blame Mr. and Mrs. Jetson for that. There was not really anything or anybody else that he could blame, unless he claimed that he was being coerced.

But he honestly doubted that the government, or even anybody else, would ever believe that Mr. and/or Mrs. Jetson had threatened him. Besides, he was a government employee, someone that had complete access to a huge network of people that could only help him for the better.

As he hoped he was doing for Mr. Jetson and Mrs. Jetson for the sake of their daughter, Domini.

And if he was not, then God (if there even was one after everything that this world had messed up) help him.

Slowly, he peeled back a small note that had been stuck to the wall, exactly where Mr. Jetson had told him it would be. Obviously, the Jetson’s were nothing if not meticulous. Well, at least Mr. Jetson was. He was not quite sure if Mrs. Jetson even knew what was going on, but it was not his place to judge anything that went on in the Jetson’s life.

There was a code on the note. He pretended to cock his eyebrows and set his face into one that portrayed confusion quite clearly to the rest of the agents. “Can you read this?” He asked one of them inserting into his voice something that was almost indiscernible to the person he was speaking to. It was malice. He knew that none of them other than he could read the note; he merely asked them to make sure that he was not detected. Plus, he needed to see if anybody else could read the note.

He also knew that unless you had been taught the code by someone that had previously known it, there was almost no way for you to know what was being said. Besides, within the first code there lay a second, so once you deciphered the first, you still could not be one-hundred percent sure that you knew what was being said or talked about.

He smiled, not a happy smile, but an almost grim smile, if that could even be considered possible. Nobody else knew what was written on the note, and there was no reason for him to tell them. They did not deserve to know. They did not deserve to know anything about the girl named Domini Jetson.

Her parents did not deserve to know anything about Domini Jetson. Well, at least, these parents were not fit to know anything about her. In his opinion, both of those no-good people should get to watch Domini Jetson’s every memory of them getting erased.

That, in his mind, would be the only fair punishment for doing what they had done….

Aliyah knew that the Jetson’s were going to be here soon. They had to be here soon. If they were not, then something was even more horribly wrong than their house being invaded by the order of the Elders. Or, as Aliyah had always referred to them until she was about thirteen- dad, mom, aunt, uncle, brother and sister. There was a huge disconnect between them and her now, she knew. But she also knew that unless they had become what they had become, Aliyah would not be where she was right now.

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