Chapter 4

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For all of you who are reading this story, thanks! I really enjoy reading your comments. Thanks for the support. I meant to post yesterday, but something came up and I had to go out the entire day.

Hope you like it!


A Perfect Utopia-Chapter 4:

Something was very wrong. Domini could tell. She knew that the same way she knew that something big was also going to happen, and it wasn’t necessarily going to be good. In fact, Domini wouldn’t be surprised if it were bad; it would be more surprising for something good to happen. It felt so pitiful to her; the fact that her life was now solely based on the bad things in life. She wondered who else was here with her, who else was stuck in these labs with her.

She wondered if anyone else living were being held captive in this lab. This place was so undercover that almost nobody had ever heard of it- including Domini. In fact, Domini could have gone the rest of her life without knowing about this place and be happy.

The doors slid apart, and in came a face that Domini had hoped she wouldn’t see again, though she knew it was in vain. The Interrogator was back, and he looked entirely too pleased with himself. Domini could feel herself getting very, very scared. This didn’t seem like it was going to have a good outcome; at least for Domini.

He took a few steps inside, and the doors slammed shut behind him. Domini did not relax for a even a second from her rigid posture. She was going to make sure that she was always on her guard around him, and everyone else from these labs. She was going to make sure to be on her guard around everyone, even people she knew.

Who knew what could happen to them?

Who knew what could happen to Domini because of them?

Mrs. Jetson had finally gotten up from the table, but her thoughts strayed back to it, analyzing and taking apart those few minutes. What had just happened? Neither of them had ever hid anything from the other, nor had they been forced to, at least not before. Mrs. Jetson knew that he would have his personal reasons to not tell her, but something did not seem right to her. The way he was acting when he came home was all wrong. Whenever he came home from work, or came out of his office, he was always quite cheery, like he needed to make sure that everyone was happy.

She continued cleaning up and straightening the already spotless house. The Jetson’s could not afford for anything to be in disarray. According to what she had heard from their personal security detail from the Federal Bureau of Protection’s citizen unit, people were still in an uproar about what had happened to Domini. To everyone in their society, Domini was liked – most people enjoyed being around her. That and losing both of Domini’s best friends had put everyone on edge. She thought back to the first briefing they had had from the F. B. O. P.

The chairs underneath her were cool, and soft, even though they should have felt like solid, hard metal. It was at that moment that Mrs. Jetson knew that something was wrong. This was not a normal place, even for a lab. Something about the overall setting of the place set her- and her husband- on edge.

“Mr. and Mrs. Jetson, we welcome you here.” A loud voice had come up behind them and Mrs. Jetson struggled not to show that she was surprised. It was never a good idea to show emotion in the labs, for people might make note and take use of it. After a moment of hesitation- and Mr. Jetson’s prodding- she inclined her head slightly. Finally, the large man appeared in front of them. “I am here to discuss your security detail, correct?” Again, Mrs. Jetson merely nodded, letting her husband do the talking.

“Yes.” He responded; then cleared his throat.

“As you have probably realized by now, it is not safe for you to come out of your house. The people are upset as to what happened to Domini- and her friends Celastrus and Vesper. They want to believe that it is your fault for not teaching your children how to behave in front of their elders- the same with Celastrus’ and Vesper’s parents. They are extremely worried that this could happen to their children, and we expect that you will be ignored or overly noticed and mocked in both private and public areas because of these recent events. Now, if you do not mind, we must wait for the Head of Security to discuss all of the details.” At that moment, the Head of Security walked in. Mrs. Jetson remembered absolutely none of what had been talked about after that.

All that she remembered was that their friends, neighbors, and family could not afford to speak to them or remain friendly with them, simply because of something that their little girl had done.

They thought that the structure of their perfect society had been ruined (in this city) by Domini Jetson. It was a horrifying thought.

Shuddering slightly, Mrs. Jetson pulled herself out of her thoughts. Those were not things she wanted to remember. Silently, she padded over to the couch and pulled out the album.

She needed some happy memories for right now.

“Hello?” Mr. Jetson’s deep baritone voice filled his office, echoing slightly. The next thing he heard was a dial tone. He pulled his lips back into a grimace as he forcefully shoved the phone back into its charger. That had to have been the fourth time someone called his office number and just hang up. The dial tone was really annoying.

Only, the sad part was that he knew what the reason for all this was: Domini. Their community was in an uproar, and it was all because of Domini. He couldn’t help but feel a little bit proud of her. He had always known that she was destined for something amazing. He just never imagined that it would be like this.

The Boss was watching Domini’s interrogation. He could tell that she was rattled the second the Interrogator had entered the room, and that she had not expected him to be there. The Interrogator also saw this, but he didn’t seem sure as to how he could use it, only that he would be able to. Somehow.

He continued watching as the Interrogator fired seemingly random questions at Domini, who still refused to answer any of his questions. The questions were specifically posed to throw her off. That and the fact that her sleep was being monitored would assure that, at some point, Domini's control of her actions and thoughts would drop. It didn’t matter if it only lasted a second; that would be all they needed to start their official investigation.

Suddenly, papers shot through the slot in his door that was reserved for when he said he was busy. They were signed Lab Assistant 217. Sighing, he set down the papers, knowing that he would get back to them once Domini’s second interrogation was over. It would drive him crazy if he didn’t.

Finally, the doors slammed together, leaving the Interrogators final words in the air. “I will be back.” Those words haunted her, and she knew that they were true. She pursed her lips, trying to keep her poker face.  She didn’t want anybody to see that she was shaken, even though they were probably monitoring her and knew that she was coming undone at the seams.

She crumpled onto her cot, grateful that her arms were no longer chained to the side of it.  Her sleeping had already become awry, and she had figured out their plan. At least, she thought that she had.  Domini had figured out that they were trying to throw her off her game. For some reason, they wanted, needed Domini Jetson to talk. She was a “source of information”. She wasn’t kidding either. The ride here had been filled with Domini flashing in and out of consciousness, but she remembered over hearing people discussing her as though she were some kind of source for them to finally figure out the cause of all the problems. They didn’t realize that they held the key to everything right in their very own hands. They could stop everything, if they had actually tried.

Domini also knew that no matter what she did, she was going to have to get out of here, and soon. Otherwise, she might be stuck here for life.  She might accidently lead to the destruction of those she cared most about: her family. Without her family surrounding her, Domini Jetson would be lost. She could not survive without them.


So?What do you think?I personally think that this is one of my better chapters, and I hope you feel the same way.

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