Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to KSKriessl and BridgetAndDeviWrites

Well here's chapter two. Actually the dedication of this goes two ways: For KSKriessl and BridgetAndDeviWrites for being the inspiration to continue this story: And now,....


Domini was starting to really hate pacing. She had been locked in here for hours already, and the only things she could do were pace and think about those last moment she had had with her parents. Since pacing was beginning to drive her insane, Domini finally decided that it was time to think about her parents.  Where could she even start?!  There was so much to think about, even though she had barely had a few moments with them.

Yet, Domini knew that something about those few moments was not right.

 After a few minutes,Domini decided that the best place to begin would be the most recent one because that would be the clearest in her head.The last thing she remembered seeing of them was their pained faces, but their eyes did not hold anything similar to that. They were filled with pride, something Domini had never seen (in public) from her parents. The Parental Handbook: Everything you will do when you are a parent: Law number 1: Never, ever praise your child for getting anything less than first place in anything. Otherwise, the praise will go to their head. That was one way Domini’s parents rebelled, a small one, but still in their own way, a rebellion: they always praised Domini, no matter what the situation. In this way, Domini had some things going for her that were better than others.

Because of this, Domini too, rebelled, at least in her own way: she never tried to be too much. At least, she didn't used to.

She analyzed that final scene in her head over and over again, thinking she had mistaken the look in their eyes. But there was nothing more to look for. Lines of pain had cut into their normally smooth skin, but there was proudness shining in their eyes, proudness that their daughter had done something to stand out. They knew that they would never be accepted back into their community after this, but they didn’t care. They only cared that Domini was speaking her mind. At thinking of this, Domini's heart swelled with pride.

In that moment, Domini realized something that no one had ever noticed, no matter how obvious it was: Her parents were a part of the group that was only really known as the rebellion. Yet Domini knew them as the S. U. I. C. I. D. E. R. S. - or, her family.

A grin that could launch more than a million jets covered her face, pulled at her cheeks. Now, all she needed to do was get out of here, which was more easily said than done. She had been unconscious when coming here, and had no knowledge of what lay beyond the prison she was locked within. Of course, they said that she might be let out, according to her behavior, but Domini knew that there was a very long shot of that happening. She had completely ignored most of the laws in The Book of Laws, which was more commonly referred to as the Book of Perfect, at least by Domini and her friends. All that Domini knew at the moment was that she would have to be on her best behavior for any chance of getting out of there.

Then, the door (that, again, Domini couldn’t see) opened and a man walked in. A man Domini never wanted to see again.

“I wish we could tell her how proud we are,” a soft whisper cut through the dead silence of their bedroom. Mr. and Mrs. Jetson had barely talked since their daughter’s arrest. There was nothing to discuss. It was nothing that they could really discuss out loud, unless they were talking in low undertones.

“I think she already knows. In that last moment when she was still unconscious, she met both of our eyes. I could see the confusion written all over her face when she saw what was in them. I know that while I can control my facial features, I cannot control what my eyes contain.” Mr. Jetson’s deep voice was pitched so low that it was barely understandable, but she understood.

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