Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Aliyah watched as the conflicting emotions crossed Domini’s face, and she let out a small sigh of defeat. It was obvious that Domini had been under the government’s sovereign for so long that she had forgotten what was true and what was not. She would definitely have to remind her of that. That is, if Domini could ever learn to trust again.

It was obvious that the child had been through a lot; especially because she seemed like what was left of a person and not the whole person that a child of her age should be. She did not act the way a child of her age should act; it was clear that she was different than she had been. Also, it was obvious that Domini did not trust Aliyah; she had been staring at her for a few moments and the only emotion that ever crossed her face was fear. Other than that, her face was entirely blank. It was kind of unnerving actually; to see a child of fifteen showing absolutely no expression at all. Aliyah did not like it. The only other time that she had seen a blank face such as that was on a the face of an inert person, and Domini was definitely not inert. She looked like it though. And that enough in and of itself told Aliyah and would tell anyone else who had seen or was going to see Domini in the near future that Domini was going to take a long time to get better.

Mrs. Jetson was worried, even though she knew that she really shouldn’t be. Mr. Jetson had been in his study the entire day, and he had never done that before. She paced across the linoleum floor of the kitchen and tried to calm herself down. Worrying herself over Mr. Jetson was not the most rational thing to do; he could take care of himself. Besides, they were both really stressed about Domini. When they were stressed, Mr. Jetson always threw himself into his work, and Mrs. Jetson just did whatever she could to make it seem like she wasn’t flustered; the last thing they needed was people wondering what was wrong with them.

So Mrs. Jetson did what she did best when she was worried: cleaning. For some reason, cleaning had always seemed to calm her down, and Mrs. Jetson knew that the distraction was necessary, especially today. Mr. Jetson always came out of his office before dinnertime and Mrs. Jetson would seem him then. They could discuss whatever the problem was while they ate. Yes, she tought to herself, that’s what we will do. And with that, she immersed herself with her cleaning. There was nothing else she really could do.

Mr. Jetson had gotten up extremely early that morning to get into his office before Mrs. Jetson woke up. She had always been an early riser. He did not want to speak with her, because he knew what she would ask. And that was something that he could not afford to tell her yet.

So all day he had locked himself within his office, knowing that Mrs. Jetson would never search for him there. Regardless of whether or not she knew he was in there, she wouldn’t come in. Everyone knew that Mr. Jetson was not to be bothered whilst in his office or doing work of any sort.

He felt quite bad about not sharing the information with Mrs. Jetson yet, but he knew of nothing else to do. They had always shared things with one another, but he knew that knowing this information put him into danger, and he did not want Mrs. Jetson in danger as well. He had already lost his beloved daughter; he could not lose his wife as well. That would destroy him.

“Summon Lab Assistant 217 to my office immediately,” The Boss ordered to his secretary as soon as he stepped foot into his office. He needed to know what she had done already and what still needed to be done. And, he also needed to speak with her. The papers she had given him were startling, and he needed to speak with her. By this time, she was sure to have come up with some ideas as to why the raid had happened, and he needed support for his theories when he went to speak with the elders. Without support, his ideas would be shot down immediately.

“You called, Boss?” Her soft voice reached his ears just as he organized the papers se had sent him into a neat pile. He nodded and indicated for her to sit down. Nervously, she followed his orders.

“I have wanted to discuss the papers that you sent me a few days ago.”

Lab Assistant 217 let out a gigantic breath of relief after she heard those words. “I thought that you hadn’t received my papers. Papers such as those in the wrong hands would not end well, at least in our favor.”

The Boss cleared his throat. “How did you get these-“He was cut off by the announcement in his office.

“Drop whatever you are doing right now and come to see us immediately.” Those words sent shivers down the Boss’ spine. He knew that voice, and only a few people would ever dare to speak to him like that. It was time to go visit the elders.

“Lab Assistant 217, you must come with me.” His voice had returned back to its usual roughness- his work tone. Lab Assistant 217 looked stunned, but quickly recovered from it.

“Yes, Boss. Just tell me what I need to take along with me.”

“And bring whatever notes you have made about the situation. I know you made some.” He ordered; the smile evident in his voice, while not on his face.

Lab Assistant 217 nodded, successfully hiding a smile that threatened to break free beneath a straight face. She had never met the elders before, and she had never wanted to.

Domini had been left alone. She was glad for it, as her head was still spinning. She had been removed from her prison. Domini would have liked to think that she had been rescued, but the truth was, she really didn’t know if she was safe or not. That was probably the worst part of it all: not knowing if she had been rescued or just taken from one prison to be put into another prison in a spur of the moment decision.

And the worst part was that Domini knew that if she had not hesitated, had just run, she wouldn’t be stuck in here without knowing if she had been saved or not. She would not be able to see her parents, but she would know that she was free. And she would be able to watch her parents, whether they knew of her presence or not.

But Domini had never been one to mope; it had never done anyone any good, so she decided to make some use of her time in this place. The only thing she could really do was think or pace, and pacing was out of the question right now. Her legs were unstable and she did not want to fall. If she did, that lady would come in and Domini did not want to accept help from anyone that she did not know, and by default, did not trust.

There was something strange about Aliyah. Domini felt like she knew her, but at the same time, that she didn’t. Aliyah had also seemed disappointed when Domini didn’t react to her presence. At least, when Domini did not react positively to her presence.

Something inside of Domini told her that she should trust these people; Domini ignored that feeling. She was not going to trust them, not until she knew them better. For all she knew, these people were worse than the government lab that had held her originally.

Aliyah paced outside the door to Domini’s room, wondering when, if ever, Domini would realize that the door was not locked and Domini was free to exit any time. She had known that being in one of the government labs would have a great impact on Domini, but she had not realized exactly how much. There was no way around it: Aliyah did not know when, or if it was even possible for Domini to recover from something like that.

She only knew that Domini would have to, and for all of their sakes it better be sooner rather than later.


I decided that I was going to put my authors note at the bottom this time, because I'm sure you don't want to hear me blather on about my life before you read. Now you can do it afterwards :D

Anyways, I'm quite sorry about the late upload. And I'm also kind of sad. This story seems to have lost readers, and that bothers me. Please tell me what you think of how I could improve my writing and get readers back. However, I refuse to put a comment/ vote minimum before uploading next. I will upload every few days, and I do not want to disappoint those who have commented and voted on all my chapters.


Oh and GabyEliza......told you that Mr. and Mrs. Jetson would be back in this chapter! :D


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