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The bathroom was foggy, steam flowing throughout the bathroom. The clear glass of Ariana's shower door was fogged up, not being able to see throughout the other side. She stood underneath the rain shower head letting the scorching hot water soak her body. Slow and deep breaths were heard from her as flashes of images flashed through her head, replaying over and over again as she watched Scott take his last breath almost twelve hours ago now.

It didn't bother her because she felt the mate pull. That was gone as far as she knew. But seeing someone who she once cared for deeply, her first true love, die right in front of her while she couldn't do anything to save him... that's what hurt her the most.

She couldn't escape what the pain felt like when Scott died. She's been through some tough shit that she could go on and on about that caused her pain. Nothing compared to this pain though. It wasn't just physical pain that hurt the most. No, it was literally her insides that felt like they were ripping her part slowly and excruciatingly. Her head had felt like it could've exploded into a billion pieces. Her heart felt like it got stuck in place, ripped in half, and then shoved into her throat. Her lungs had burned for air even though she was breathing in air.

Scott had died for fifteen minutes but Ariana was the one to suffer and feel the pain of her mate dying.

Too caught up in her own world, Ariana hadn't noticed a figure stepping into the shower with her. The figure stood behind since her face was toward the wall, unsure if he should wait until she opened her eyes or force her to open them to make sure she was okay. She was looking up now so the water was pouring right onto her face. He bit his lip nervously finally deciding he needed to make sure she was okay.

He gently gripped her bare waist with his firm lengthy fingers, pulling her into his also naked body. Her body tensed at first and her first reaction was to spin around, grab the person by the throat, and choke him but almost instantly she recognized the feeling of his body when pressed against him.

"Are you okay?" Stiles murmured into her neck gently pecking her shoulders, his head dipped down. She laid her head back into the crook of his neck allowing him more access to her neck if he wanted to. Instead of turning things up a notch like any other hormonal boy would, Stiles laid his chin on top of her forehead letting her rest on him as the water covered the both of them now. He had his arms securely around her torso almost as if he was making sure no one could take her from him.

"I don't think I'll ever be" Ariana finally mumbled. Stiles' heart ached for her. He knew he couldn't tell her he understood what she went through or is going through because he doesn't know what it feels like. He could only imagine. The thought of seeing her die in front of him while he was stuck in a position to where he was helpless killed him inside.

"Hey look at me" Stiles said turning the female Alpha around so she was looking up at him dead in the eye. "We will get through this. Okay? I don't how long it will take or if we'll ever be okay. But what I do know, is that you are not alone in this, Ariana. I'm going to be here for you every god damn step of the way till your heart is so full of happiness. Despite how you may feel at the moment I will be right there with you, fighting alongside you. Okay?" Stiles finished with the most complex expression that could only be described as love and worry.

Even as the water pelted onto them, Stiles could tell the beautiful girl in front of him was crying. Whether it was tears of happiness or pain, she was definitely crying as her eyes were red and puffy. Ariana stood there staring into the man before her eyes, who in her eyes was way too good for her. He scanned over her face waiting for her response.

"I-I-I-I" she stuttered trying to get a word out. Deep and estranged breaths came out concerning Stiles. Her eyes closed while she tried to regain her breath. Seconds passed before her eyes snapped open.

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