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Important A/N at the end!



Ariana Hale

"Oh my god... What have we done? What have I done? No one will look at me the same!" Stiles talked to himself, pacing back and forth in his bedroom.

"Stiles, shut the hell up! Okay?! Yes, you killed someone tonight! We already discovered that. What you need to be worrying about, is why his body wasn't there when we went back" I told him standing up from his desk chair.

Silence filled the room.

"... You think I killed him?" Stiles voice broke.

"Yes-- no- I mean, I didn't-- I don't know! Both of us are to blame for his death, okay?" I said to him.

"We can't tell anyone about this" Stiles said.

"What about Scott?! I have to tell him" I told Stiles.

"No! We can't! Scott isn't about killing someone. He thinks he can save everyone" Stiles sighed sitting down. "What the hell did I do, Ariana?" He whispered.

I bit my lip as I sat down next to him. My fingers started rubbing against each other due to my nervousness.

"It's gonna be okay" I told him.

"No, it's not! This is a huge thing and I got to keep it from my best friend! You have no idea-!"

I quickly cut him off, "But I do".

His eyes immediately snapped to me. "No! You don't. I killed a a person, Ari! There's no- no way to make this sound like an accident!" He yelled at me standing up again.

"You think I don't know what it feels like to kill someone?!" I yelled standing up also.

"But you meant too!" He argued.

"That doesn't change a thing! I know what it feel likes. It feels like there's a hollow part in your heart now. That there's a part of you that is gone now. You will never forget the lifeless shine in their eyes. You will never forget, you are the one who made them take their last breath! Don't think for a moment, that I don't know what it's like to take a life" I seethed.

"But did you keep it from Scott?! Huh? Do you know how he will feel when he finds out I kept this big ass mistake from him?!" Stiles yelled.

"Yes, I do. You know why? Because he will be extra pissed when he finds out what I've done!" I whispered harshly.

"Oh my fu- will you stop saying that! He'll forgive you for whatever the hell you did! So you're safe-"

"What about losing his baby?" I asked emotionless. He froze looking at me. His mouth was agape.



I finished wrapping a bandage over the bite mark on Stiles shoulder. It had weird holes where the teeth sinking in, forming some type of weird symbol thing.

"How far along were you?" Stiles whispered, my wolf hearing barely managing to understand him. After our argument last night, we didn't talk to each other. Stiles had got a call from Scott saying someone took the body they hid in the clinic. When I woke up he was crying in pain because of his bite mark. Literally, tears were streaming down his face making me freak out.

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