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Hey guys! I'm terribly sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I know I said I would try to update every week but I just can't. I do try to update whenever I can, and I guess today was just everybody's lucky day((;

Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Ariana Hale

48 Hours Before

Heavy puffs of air left my mouth as I leaned into a tree. My legs burned in exhaustion as did my lungs. I removed my hand from my stomach looking at the blood on my hands. Footsteps and growling made me snap my head towards a bunch of bushes.

Inhaling a deep breath, I took off running through the woods again. The wind stung my skin as I ran as fast as I could. I could feel the leaves and sticks slicing my arms.

I jumped in the air, over a huge ditch. I hissed in pain when I landed, feeling the pain radiate from my ankle to my knee.

I looked behind me, my eyes flashing red. I took off running once again. Not to far away, I could hear a car passing by. I pushed myself harder gaining speed.

To my left I could see a car come flying down the road through the trees. I jumped through a clearing, stepping in the road. The vehicle squealed loudly as it willed itself to stop.

The person who was driving, stuck his head out the window.

"Hurry up, get in!" He yelled. I ran to the passenger door and quickly hopped in. He slammed on the gas pedal sending us flying forward.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?!" He asked sending worried glances while driving.

"We should have never read that book, Stiles"


Present Time

I stared at the photocopied versions of the Dread Doctors books along with Stiles, Lydia, Scott, Kira, and unfortunately Theo.

"My moms book club usually has more wine" Lydia commented.

"And they also probably don't read books that cause violent hallucinations" Stiles stated.

"That's why Malia's here" Scott said, looking over to my cousin.

"So none of us go running into traffic" Kira said.

"Or worse" I said.

"Like what happened to Judy" Malia told us. Each of us have her a confused look. "Chapter 14" she said once it dawned on her that we didn't know what she was talking about.

"Maybe I should have my mother read it" Lydia told us. She then proceeded to pick one of the books up. "She might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone"

And just like that, just the mentioning of Tracy, my heart dropped. I felt myself touching my stomach unintentionally, tears sprouting in my eyes. I seen both Stiles and Scott glance at me. But both of their looks held something different.

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