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Hey guys!! I know I haven't updated in awhile and for that I am so, truly, genuinely, deeply sorry for that. I had school shopping and family drama so I am sorry once again. Please ENJOY!


Third Person POV

Fear is an unpleasant feeling. This emotional feeling can cause you to do irrational thing, things you will most likely regret later on. Fear can consume your thoughts in ways you can't even imagine. Fear is also a choice. Fear is what most people fear of feeling.

The unpleasant feeling is what everybody was feeling when Lydia Martin was admitted into the hospital and Ariana was taken to Deaton's, barely healing.

The pack didn't know what to do or think. Nobody knew how to react.

Scott was surprisingly quiet. His body felt numb. It felt like a part of him died inside of his heart. He wanted to stay with Ariana but Deaton forced him to go to the hospital to check up on Lydia because Ariana had sneakily told Deaton too.

Either way, the horrible memory of what happened not even 20 minutes ago kept replaying over and over in Scott's mind.

Flashback 20 min. Ago

"Again!" Theo hollered. Once again the sound of electricity cackled through the air as the electric charge surged through Ariana's body. Nothing happened.

"Ariana!" Scott screamed.

"Somebody shut him the hell up!" Theo shouted. Kira was the first one to react to his order. Without even thinking, she gripped Scott's face in her hands and slammed her lips against his.

Stiles turned just in time to see Scott frozen in place, eyes wide. Stiles knew Kira only did it to keep him quiet but maybe he was wrong. He turned his attention back to Theo noticing Scott was occupied right now, since he wasn't pulling back from the lip attack behind him.

"Do it now!" He whispered shouted to him. Theo nodded and looked at everybody before tasering her chest again. This time he could hear it.

Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

It was a very faint heartbeat coming from her chest. A small smile covered his pink lips.

"She has a faint heartbeat" he told them.

Scott also heard it. Finally, he pulled away from Kira, giving her an awkward smile.

"The ambulance are here. Does she need to need to go or is she going to heal?" Mr. Stilinski quietly asked Stiles and Theo. They both shared a look before turning to Deaton since he basically knew everything.

"She's not healing. Like, at all. I would take her to the Vet but..." Deaton trailed off.

Suddenly, Ariana started coughing. They all looked down while Scott ran in the room to be by her side. Ariana's body jerked up as black blood flew out her mouth and all over Stiles' shirt. She weakly smiled at him.

"Sorry about that" she muttered before laying back down.

"Oh my god! Ariana!" Scott screamed. He seen her lips move but couldn't hear what she said even with his werewolf hearing.

"What?" He asked.

"Dea...tons" she whispered.

Scott looked up at them, "She said Deaton's" he muttered.

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