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Everything was different around here. I felt myself drifting away from mostly everyone. I hadn't talked to Scott, nor Stiles. I kept declining the calls I kept getting from Lydia.

Even though I wasn't talking to anyone, I knew what everyone was doing. Stiles and Lydia went out looking for the Nemeton and I decided to go to the hospital. I needed to find out what had happened to my dad.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" An officer asked coming up to me. I stopped in my tracks wondering why he would stop me from walking in the hospital. My eyes slowly traveled down to his hand where it rested on his gun, ready to take action if necessary.

"No, you can't" I shook my head. I cautiously walked past him. Knowing he won't or can't do anything, I walked up to the nurse behind the computer.

"Excuse me?" I asked politely. She looked up at me through her wide-rimmed glasses.

"What can I help you with?" She asked.

"I actually have a couple of questions I need answered" I told her. She nodded. "Can you tell me when the patient Mark Pierce was discharged?"

"I'm sorry sweetie, that's confidential"

"Well I'm his daughter" I smiled. "I'm sure you can tell me the date he was discharged" I said. She stared at me for a moment before sighing and typing something into the computer.

"August 23" she told me. He was discharged a few days after I came back.

"Um are you sure?" I asked.

"One hundred percent sure, honey" she nodded.

"By whom?"

She clicked on something, furrowing her eyebrows. "Well that can't be right" she muttered.

"Why are you saying that? What can't be right?" I asked trying to look at her screen.

"Well it was his attending who discharged him which is the way it's supposed to be. But the person who took him home doesn't seem right"

"Who took him home?" I asked knowing he wasn't home. I bit my lip in anticipation.

"It says here that Theo Raeken took him home" she said. My blood immediately went cold. I felt my face go pale. No. That sorry bastard.

"Are you alright?" The lady asked me. I inhaled sharply to level my breathing.

"I'm fine. Thank you"

Just as I said that, a phone started ringing on the desk. It was the hospital phone.

"Hello?" The lady asked.

"We're going to need security and more doctors at the emergency doors. The kid we're bringing in is livid" someone over the phone said.

"What's the patients name?" The lady asked sounding more professional.

"Corey Bryant" the guy said.

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