Chapter 2

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Authors note: Really, really sorry for the really, really late upload! I've been really, really busy with school, rubbish excuse but still, its the truth... ANYWAY, here you go, chapter two, its in Nate's POV! :)



I grabbed my luggage off the conveyor belt and hauled it over my shoulder, following my parents and my brother, Josh, out of the airport.

"I can't believe we're back," my dad muttered to himself as he began walking towards our car, staring up at the sky in amazement. Unlike England's permanently dull grey, rainy sky, it was bright blue and the sun was out, looking warm and welcoming.

"You mean, you're excited we're back," my mom corrected, beaming. Mom had never been a big fan of England; she'd always preferred living in America. I couldn't blame her, really. It was a drastic change and it took us a while to adjust. The weather, the accents, and the people—it had all been so different. But now, we’re home and pretty relieved to be back.

Yawning, I got in the car next to Josh. A seven-hour flight with zero sleep definitely resulted in jet lag.

Josh hadn't let me sleep through the whole plane ride and kept making me order food so he could flirt with the airhostesses. It was surprising that they hadn't gotten sick of him because I certainly had, and I'd had my whole life to get used to him. By the end of the flight, I had eaten so many peanuts I thought I would explode.

"I'm so excited! Aren't you excited!" My mom exclaimed from the front seat of the car, "I'm just so excited."

I rolled my eyes, chuckling at how thrilled she seemed to be. To be fair, she was high on coffee and therefore wide-awake.

Josh laughed. "Yeah, mom, we get it already. You aren't the only one that's glad to be home again. I've missed this place too, you know." He was starting college here in a week and since my dad had been offered the chance to move back home, we all decided to pack our bags and move back together.

"How about you, Nate?" My mom asked, turning to me with a knowing smile, "Happy to see Talia again?"

I grinned. It had been years since I had last heard from Talia. I had called and emailed her all the time while I was in England but she had never answered so I was hoping that this was my chance to finally see my best friend again. She'd been really angry when I'd told her I was moving away and no matter how hard I tried, she wouldn't come to see me before I left.

"And you must be so excited to be spending your senior year with all your old friends!" My mom squealed, snapping me out of my thoughts. My mom really was the most excited out of all of us to be home.

Thankfully, I was going to be doing my senior year and then college here in America since my dad wanted me to finish my education in one place, without having to deal with moving half way around the world.

"I'm pretty sure it's Talia that he's more excited about," Josh said.

I rolled my eye at his comment. Josh always believed that I had a thing for Talia and he still hadn't stopped believing this crazy theory, even after I told him that I wouldn't date her. We'd been friends for way too long for it to turn into anything more. I'd dated a few girls back in England but nothing longer than a few months, and none of them had been particularly special.

"Are you going to finally proclaim your true love for her?" He asked, grinning and giving me that same knowing look that my mom had given me before.

I elbowed him in the rib, scowling at him. "She's my best friend, not my lover."

As if I would ever do that. She would probably hit me round the head if I even attempted to do any such thing.

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