(10) The bad girl falling for a bad boy?

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Okay, almost everyone posted a comment on the last chapter saying not to make her pregnant and it would be cliche etc. Sorry, but she is preggers. HOWEVER! If you read my other stories, you know that I don't like writing the same things as everyone else. I promise, promise, PROMISE that there will be a twist (nothing to do with vamps or werewolves) and that it's not gonna be like other stories.

Oh, and sorry I had to upload this chappy 3 times. It kept putting it as 'rated R' so I had to change it a bit. If you want the rated R version, leave your email in the comments or send me a private message.

I hope you'll keep reading this story, and, if you do, you'll see what I mean.

Vote/Comment/Fan if you like it!

Chapter 10

Ivy's POV

I woke up to the sound of the smoke alarm blaring. It was a piercing screech that sounded like it was coming out of my ears, and it was terrible. Michael wasn't next to me, and I assumed the worst. Still wearing his shirt, I hopped off the bed and went to look for him. "Michael?!" I called over the noise.

"I'm in here!" I heard him say from the kitchen. He didn't sound like he was in danger, so I relaxed and went to see what was going on. As soon as I entered the kitchen, I laughed.

Michael was shirtless and standing by the stove where something was on fire in the pan. "I love a man who can cook," I said sarcastically.

"Does that mean you're breaking up with me?" he asked playfully. He turned the sink on, took the handle of the pan with an oven mitt, and held it under the water so the flames would die and the blaring finally stopped.

"Yup. Unless, of course, you can convince me not to."

He left the pan in the sink since the flames were gone and walked over to me. "I'll get right on that," he said softly, and kissed me languidly; lazily. Then he pulled away and looked at me with concern in his hazel eyes. "Are you okay?"

I knew he was referring to my break down yesterday. Well, that ruined my mood. Shamefully, I put my head down. "I'm sorry about that."

He put a finger under my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Please, just tell me what that was about?"

Looking back, I was embarrassed at how I reacted. I didn't want him to think badly of me, so I just answered, "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Will you please talk to me, Ivy? You're driving me insane. Do have any idea how worried I was yesterday?" He looked at me pleadingly.

I felt guilty. Upsetting Michael was the last thing I wanted to do, but I was so disgusted with myself, and I wouldn't be able to handle it if he looked at me like that. He must have seen something in my eyes because he softened his voice and asked, "Is it about your parents?" I nodded. "Just tell me what's wrong."

"I don't want you to think less of me."

"It's impossible for me to think less of you." He caught the double meaning in his words and quickly said, "Wait, wait, I didn't mean it like that-"

My laughter cut him off. "I know what you meant." I took a deep breath and let it out, looking at the floor. "I was thinking about what my parents would think if they knew what I was doing the past few years since they've died. They were good parents, and I basically threw everything that they taught me in the trash." Tears threatened to spill over, and I blinked rapidly.

"Ivy, look at me." When I didn't, he framed my face in his hands and tilted it up. All I saw in his eyes was sincerity as he said, "You were going through a rough time dealing with your parents' death. Nobody is going to think less of you for that, least of all me. You dealt with it through sex; lot's of people do that. It's not a big deal."

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