(5) The bad girl falling for a bad boy?

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Chapter 5

Michael's POV

After Ivy fell asleep, I put on some boxers and stayed awake, just thinking. I was so glad I was able to change her mind about not seeing me. Were we boyfriend and girlfriend now? I hoped so.

She was lying on her left side with her back facing me, so I propped myself up on my elbow and looked at her cheek. It was purple along her cheekbone. What had happened between her and Steven? Was he an abusive boyfriend? Why did she leave him? How long ago were they together? Did she love him?

Dammit, I'd have to ask her in the morning. Thinking of her ex made me think about Monica. I had barely thought about her since I'd met Ivy at the club, but it still hurt when I did think about her. That horrible feeling in my chest wasn't as bad, though. Was I finally getting over her? I think I was.

Maybe I would eventually love Ivy as much as I had loved her. Monica had cute strawberry blonde hair, a very thin figure, and a perky personality. Ivy had black hair, a slim figure but not as bony as Monica's, and a mysterious, sexy personality. They were completely different.

Not to mention the fact that Ivy was a killer in bed. All of that annoying teasing in the shower paid off later on. With Monica, we'd always just made love, and it got a bit boring after a while. With Ivy, though, the way she moved, the sounds she made, the way she felt...

Oh, shit! We didn't use a condom! I got up and started pacing at the end of the bed. Fuck, what if she had a disease?! What if she got pregnant! I couldn't be a father, I was too young! "Shit!" I said out loud.

Ivy opened her eyes and looked at me, "What's the matter?"

"We didn't use a condom!" I was panicking.

"Do you have an STD?" she asked, sitting up. How was she so calm about this?!

"No, I always use protection."

"I don't have one either and I'm on the pill." I let out a relieved sigh. Oh, thank god. I sat down next to her on the bed. "You don't want kids?"

Hmm. Would I eventually want kids? Could I be a decent father to them? "Not anytime soon." She was still naked and the blanket pooled around her waist, leaving her breasts uncovered.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Like 3 AM. I couldn't sleep." My eyes stayed glued to her chest, but she didn't seem to mind.

She sat back against the headboard, "Come here." Oh boy, round two. "I mean with your back facing me. Do you want another massage?"

Not on my back. "Yeah, sure." I sat in front of her and she put her legs on either side of me. She dug her fingers into my tense muscles and I groaned. I leaned forward so she could reach them more easily. "Where'd you learn to do that?"

Her fingers froze and I felt her stiffen behind me. Just as suddenly as they stopped, they started moving again, "Around." She tried to sound nonchalant, but I could hear the tears in her voice.

I wanted her to tell me. Was it from her ex-boyfriend? Did she used to massage him, too? "So just to clear things up, we're boyfriend and girlfriend now, correct?"

"Yes," she answered suspiciously.

"Then talk to me. That's what couples do."

She sighed, "It's kind of a touchy subject. I'll tell you one day, just not now."

That was fine; I'd find out eventually. "Fine. At least tell me what's the deal with you and your ex."

"Have you ever been in love?"

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