(14) The bad girl falling for a bad boy?

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I know I said I'd post this yesterday, but I was out all day and it was really late when I got back, so I didn't have time.  JSYK: The next two chapters are gonna be a bit depressing, but you'll get to know David and his family a lot better.

One more thing.  For some reason this new Wattpad editor is making it look like I put five spaces between each paragraph when I only put one.  I'll experiment and try to make it look normal, but in the meantime I swear I'm not doing it on purpose to make the chapters look longer or anything.

Chapter 14

                Dr. Wagner looked like she drank twenty espresso shots every hour.  That was my first impression of her.  Maybe I was being judgmental, but she was so hyper.  And did that grin ever leave her face?  It was a bit awkward that she was smiling like she had just won the lottery when I was about to scream with anticipation.  After sitting in the waiting room in suspense for a half-hour, I just wanted to get this over with!

                "What is your name and age?" she asked, sounding like a therapist.

                If the doctor was going to ask me that, what was the point of filling out that stupid form they gave me?  "Ivory Daniels, and I'm twenty-one."

                She scribbled something down.  "And what's the problem?"

                "I've been throwing up occasionally, and I want to know the cause.  I think I might be pregnant."

                The doctor made a small squealing noise.  "Sorry, sorry, I just get excited sometimes," she explained.  She must have been really bad at reading people's emotions.  And body language.  And facial expressions.  "Have you already taken a home pregnancy test?"

                "No, I came straight here.  Those things are faulty, and I want to be one-hundred percent sure about what's wrong."

                Dr. Wagner smiled wider, if possible, and clapped her hands together.  "Wonderful!  Would you ladies please wait in the hallway, it's a bit crowded in here," she asked my friends politely.  The room was pretty small.

                Marci and Abby left, giving me smiles of encouragement, but Lina stayed right where she was.  When the doctor gave her a pointed glance, she leaned back against the wall with her arms crossed and said, "I'm not goin' anywhere."

                Wagner looked to me as if asking if it was alright, and I gave a half-hearted smile and shrugged slightly.  That was just the way Carolina was, and I loved her for it.  Looking through her drawers, the doctor said, "I'm going to give you two pregnancy tests that you can take in the bathroom right there.  If they don't come out positive, we'll do a blood test and go through other possible causes for the vomiting, all right?"

                "Okay," I said, taking them from her and going into the bathroom.  I had drunk plenty of water at the gym, so peeing wasn't a problem.  Trying to keep the stick still while my hands were shaking so badly was, though.  I finished up and washed my hands before going back into the doctor's office with the tests.

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