16. Meeting Point

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***Niall's POV***

There was an emergency angel meeting today. No one knew what it was about. Whenever there was an angel meeting it was either to make important decisions or discuss the angel laws. I'd never been to an angel meeting since I was pretty new. From what I'd heard, there had only ever been 8 emergency angel meetings in the history of angels.

Everyone flew in heaven. Why have wings and not use them? Kyle and I left our house at the same time. We flew towards the meeting point. There were so many angels out that I could barely move over a mile per hour.

I hoped no one could tell how nervous I was. My heart was beating way too fast, I felt nauseous, and I was sweating profusely. I kept thinking about Mona. What if the reason they were having this meeting was to kick me out of Heaven? My throat tightened and I was having trouble breathing.

"Dude, are you okay?" Kyle was staring at me.

"Yeah." I slowly nodded. I could barely speak. "I'm fine."

The rest of the way there I didn't speak. Kyle did enough for the both of us. I just nodded every so often.

When the meeting place came into view, my hands felt clammy. Everyone went inside and sat down. The place was set up in a large circle. Chairs were what bordered the circle. Kyle and I took a seat directly in front of where the Archangels were sitting.

My foot was involuntarily moving. I tried looking normal but when I surveyed the room, everyone looked nervous. I guess I fit in. There was chatter among the angels. I didn't bother try eavesdropping because I didn't care. I just wanted to get this over with.

Suddenly the room became dead quiet. The Archangels flew in. I gulped. There was 5 main Archangels who made the decisions. The other 10 were like the executive branch of U.S. government. They approved the head Archangels decisions or vetoed them.

Charmaine is the head of the head Archangels. Sort of like a president. She is the angel of harmony. She has long, wavy blond hair and dazzling beautiful blue eyes. She looked about 21 in human years. Most angels were in love with her. Something about her was hypnotizing. Today she looked troubled. She flew straight to her seat directly in front of me, of course.

The rest of the archangels trailed in behind her. There was Xapham, angel of creation, Manakel, angel of peace, Hadraniel, angel of love, Micah, angel of miracles, and Sariel, angel of guidance. They took their seats next to Charmaine. Everyone was watching them. No one said a word. The first person to speak was Charmaine.

"Thank you for coming everybody. You're probably wondering why you're all here. Well it has come to our attention that a guardian angel here has been contacting their human. That angel has also fallen in love with this human."

It was me. They knew what I had done. I don't know how but they did.

"This angel must suffer the consequences. My fellow archangels think it's best to throw this angel straight to hell, but I think that's too cruel for these circumstances. This angel has two options. He can have his wings stripped and be thrown down to Earth or he can be thrown to hell."

I would rather have my wings stripped then go to hell.

"Will Harry Styles please come up here?" Charmaine boomed.

Wait Harry had died? He was in my band when I was alive. I'd have to talk to him about that. I wondered if Harry was going to be there to rip off my wings.

"Harry what is your decision?" Charmaine was staring at Harry.

"I'll go to Earth." Harry had his head down, ashamed.

"If you go to Earth you are not to make offspring with humans or you will be sentenced to hell."

"I understand." Harry looked exhausted, like he hadn't slept for days. But angels don't sleep.

"Please face the angels and kneel down." Charmaine looked pained.

Harry complied. Harry's eyes made contact with mine and he gave me a weak smile. I was still confused on what was happening but I smiled back. The other 4 head archangels stood up and flew to Harry. Two were on either side of him while Charmaine sat back down. Micah took Harry's shirt off. Harry's wings were already unfurled. Two of the archangels grabbed one of Harry's wings and the other two grabbed the other wing.

Charmaine counted back from 3. At one the Archangels pulled on Harry's wings. Harry's face contorted in pain. They kept pulling and yanking until his wings were out. Harry let out a bloodcurdling scream that echoed in the large place. The Archangels took his wings and left. Charmaine stayed. Harry's back was gushing blood. The wings are an angel's weakness. Harry knelt there silently crying. Tears were rolling down his cheeks but he made no noise. Raphael, angel of healing, hurried up to Harry and touched his back. His open wounds turned to large scars and the blood disappeared.

"You'll always have those scars." Whispered Raphael.

Charmaine got up from her seat and offered her hand to Harry. Harry took it and got up on his feet.

"I'm sorry." Charmaine looked sincere, her face showing sympathy. She walked him out, leaving the rest of us sitting in a circle. I stood up and followed them. Charmaine took Harry to the very edge of Heaven.

"Are you going to jump or do you need a push?" Charmaine's voice was soft.

"I'll jump." Harry's voice was hoarse from the scream. I flew up to them wanting to talk to one of my best friends but Harry was already falling.

"Harry!" I shouted. He looked up and waved, then he was gone.

Charmaine turned to look at me. Her face was hardened at first but then it softened.

"Did you know him?" She asked.

"We were in a band when were alive. I didn't even know he'd died." My eyes were watery. I missed my friends. One of them was so close yet he still felt so far.

"I'm sorry." She looked into my eyes and spoke. "I hope you've learned something from this." With that Charmaine turned and flew away.

I was standing there confused. Did she know about my feelings for Mona? Or did she just say that because I was a guardian angel? I wouldn't know unless I asked her and asking her would make her suspicious if she wasn't already. I guess I would have to stay up in Heaven for a while. Mona would be okay. At least, I hoped she'd be okay.


This chapter is pretty short. I rushed to get a chapter up. Remember to vote and comment! Love all of you guys!

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