6. The Uninvited Guest

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•This is the 3rd chapter 6 I'm writing because the others somehow got deleted :( hopefully this one will be the best!•

"Knock knock!" A voice sang. Then two hard knocks on the wood. I knew exactly who it was. As I approached the door I tried to make my face look angry. I unlocked and yanked the door ajar.

"That is MAHOGANY!!" I screeched. We had so many inside jokes.

"Oh I'm sorry! Maybe I wouldn't have to pound on the door, if you walked a little faster." She said trying to stifle a giggle. She was one of those friends that laughed at almost everything!

"So now I walk slow?" I questioned putting a hand on my hip.

"Indeed. Now if you will kindly let me in, we can discuss your slowness." Kiki had the worst British accent ever. I scooted to the left a little so she could easily walk in. When she did I shut the door.

"You seem happy." Kiwi declared.

"Oh my god! Please forgive me! I forgot I can't be happy when I'm with my best friend!" I pretended to act worried.

"I'm flattered, but you look boy happy." She waggled her eyebrows and emphasized the word boy. I shrugged and plopped down on the brown couch.

"Don't you dare walk away from me!" She snapped her fingers in a 'Z' formation and cat walked over to me.

"There is someone." I mumbled. She sat down next to me.

"Is he the boy from the blind date?" Oops! Forgot to update her on how that went.

"No. That went um, horrible."

"Then who is it?" She sure was persistent.

"You don't know him. Anyways we can't be together." I looked away.

"Whyyyy?" She whined and poked my chin.

"Beeccaaauuusee," I mocked. "He's from another world." This was technically true.

"So he's like, a martian?"

"No, well, I'm not sure?" I pondered shaking my head.

"Seriously? I was kidding." Kiwi stared at me.

"No he's not a martian. But I don't think he's you know, human." I looked up, knowing Niall was listening to our conversation.

"What?! Mona are you into animals?" She joked.

"No! He's not fr-" I was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Hold on."

I stood up and walked over to the source of the noise.

"Hello?" I said as I swung open the door.


•I know this is super short but but but I needed a cliff hanger.

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