12. Honest Mistake

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"Mona? Mona is that you?" Someone called from upstairs. Then there were footsteps and thumps of someone going down the stairs.

"Yeah, it's me." I mumbled as I trudged over to my mom. She wrapped her arms around me and started smoothing down my hair.

"Where were you? What happened?" She grabbed my shoulders and took a step back to look at my face.

"Oh mom. You won't believe this. You know that guy from Starbucks, Jim?" She nodded. "Well he kidnapped me. He had me in this creepy room and he tried tying me up but I was able to escape and then his sister hit me with a frying pan and dragged me to this room and then I woke up and left and ran and hurt my foot and now I'm here." I responded hastily.

"How did he even get in?" She pulled me in for another hug. I put my arms around her.

"He said it was unlocked." I answered, not really wanting to talk about it anymore.

"Oh well. We can go to the police at a more decent time. Let's get that foot checked out." My mom was so calm. I thought she would've freaked out, but here she was calm and collected. It was frustrating. I thought she would have started sobbing and asking if I was okay when I told her what happened.

"Mona are you coming?" I hadn't realized she had gone to the bathroom. I padded towards my mom and sat down on the bathroom toilet. She opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out rubbing alcohol, gauze, and a huge Band-Aid. She opened the alcohol and poured some on the gauze. She moved over to me and kneeled down in front.

"Mom?" I asked as she wiped my foot.


"Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?" She looked up at me.

"Like it's something normal. Like your daughter getting kidnapped is an everyday thing."

"Oh honey. I just didn't want you to feel like it's your fault. I know how it feels when something happens to you and everyone blames you for it. I know it wasn't your fault and I don't want to keep reminding you of what happened. That's all."

"Something happened to you?"

"It was a long time ago. My parents made me feel like it was my fault. I felt horrible. After we get your foot bandaged you should get some sleep. Or take a shower. To make you feel clean." I wanted to ask what had happened but I could guess.

I agreed and walked to the closest bathroom. When I got to the bathroom I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked awful. I was about to turn away when something in the mirror caught my eye. It was a figure. It looked like a man. It was getting bigger. When the light hit the figure I saw that it was Jim. I immediately opened my mouth to scream but no words came out. Jim grabbed me and whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.

"Don't say a word." He threatened. I tried screaming again but I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. I tried seeing why I was in pain but I couldn't move.

Then everything went black.

I opened my eyes and couldn't make out what was in front of me. I was sweating and my pulse was fast, way too fast. I tried calming my breathing. My eyes adjusted to the darkness. I was in my bed. I looked around the room and saw my wall clock. It read 3:42.

It was just a dream.

But it felt so real.

I peeled the sheets off of me and pulled my damp hair away from my back. I felt a pain in my lower back. I turned to look and saw a burrette stuck to my back. I pulled it off and saw that it left a mark on my back. I was wide awake and didn't think I could go back to sleep. I got up from my bed and changed out of my pajamas and into a t-shirt and cotton shorts. I silently went downstairs and into the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water and loaded it with ice. The house was silent and dark. My heart was pounding and I kept shivering even though I was sweating.

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