9. Creeper

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I opened my eyes and yawned. I was surprisingly cold and uncomfortable. I wasn't in my bed. I wasn't even in my room. I was somewhere unfamiliar and I was freezing. I looked down. I saw my reflection. It was blurry, but it was me.

The floor was metal and cold. I took in my surroundings. The whole room was made of metal. Metal walls, floors, and a metal door. There was one small window. I slowly stood up and tiptoed to the window. I peered out and saw a narrow hallway. It had one room to the left and one room to the right. I knew it was locked but I tried opening the door anyway. Locked. Had I died and gone to hell?

"HELP! HELP ME! Somebody please help me!" I pleaded, banging on the window. A tall figure appeared at the end of the hallway. My first thought was that it was Slenderman but this guy had hair and a face.

"Jeremy? Is that you?" I was beyond scared. I was terrified.

"No my dear Mona." The voice was familiar.

"Jim?" I whispered.

"That is correct!" He laughed a malicious laugh. He walked right up to the window. I backed away.

"Why Jim?" I asked. "Why?'

"Because you're a tease!" He slammed his palm onto the window. "Day after day you come in with you're beautiful hair and gorgeous face. Every guy looks at you, thinks about you, and wants you. And now you're finally mine! No more teasing, Mona!" Jim waved his finger side to side. His voice was cold, his eyes showing no emotion.

"I'm sorry." I tried.

"That's not enough and you know it." Jim smirked. "I'm going to open the door. Are you going to try and run away?"

"Probably." I said staying strong.

"I figured. So I brought this." He held up a roll of duct tape and rope. "Now don't make this hard." He opened the door and then shut it when he got in. "The door automatically locks so don't even try."

"You could have just asked me out, you know." I said.

"Would have said yes?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"You're just saying that so I won't tie you up." He stated.

"That may be true. But I thought you were cute." I tried sucking up to him.

"Thought? I'm not cute anymore?" He asked looking baffled.

"Not when you look like a rapist and you kidnapped me." I responded.

"It's not rape when you enjoy it." He smirked. I stared at him, eyes wide. "And you left your front door unlocked." He pointed out.


"Whatever. Now stop stalling." He moved towards me. I backed into the wall, hoping it would eat me. Jim noticed this.

"Now there's no need to be afraid if you cooperate." He grabbed my wrists with one hand and the rope with the other. Why oh why were my wrists so small. I squirmed trying to separate my hands. He pulled me away from the wall and then slammed me into it.

"Cooperate." He said in an eerie tone. My head begin throbbing. I closed my eyes and then remembered his weakness. Any guy's weakness. I kicked him right in the family jewels. His eyes popped open and he stumbled down groaning. I saw a bulge in his right pocket and stuck my hand in his pocket.

"Are you being rough on me baby?" He moaned.

"You're disgusting." I pulled my hand out and held the ring that held a bunch of keys. I kicked him in the side. Luckily, Jim had labeled them. I grabbed one that said Mona on it and stuck it in the keyhole. The lock clicked and I swung the door open. I remembered what he had told me about the door automatically locking so I shut it and ran.

At the end of the hallway was the front door. This was too easy, I thought.

I reached out to grab the door handle when everything went black.

*For anyone who doesn't remember, Jim is the guy who works at Starbucks*

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