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"Amber, move!"

The car came so fast, I could have saved her. She could have still been alive. This would have never happened.



Beep, beep, beep.

I could faintly hear the talking of people, nurses and doctors I assume. But there was one voice yelling my name.

"I need to see her! Let me in!"

"I'm sorry sir, you can't-"

The beeping went off again, but this time louder, and faster. The talking immediately stopped and I heard people shuffle around me. I felt an added pressure to my chest that was pushing up and down on it. Someone placed a breathing mask over my face and I felt the object I was laying in move in a fast pace.

"What's happening? Is she okay?" I heard the voice call again.

"Mr. Knight please sit and calm down, she is having problems right now and we have to take her to the E.R."

Mr. Knight? Why is Awsten here? What the hell happened? Why can't I see anything? Why can't I breath?

"Doctor her breathing is getting more rapid"

"Put her under"

What? No I don't want to go to sleep. I want to see Awsten and I want to get up. I have to get out of here now. I try to move my arms with all my might but I can't move a single muscle. I felt myself get lethargic and weak. I got tired and if my eyes weren't already shut, they would be closing.

"Starting compressions"

Then I was out. I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't see anything. I felt nothing. Had I died? Surely not. Right?


The beep of the heart monitor is what woke me up. It rattled my brain and it sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

I slowly lifted my eyes the most I could, using all my strength to get the open all the way. I looked up to see a nurse. Probably in her mid 40's.

"Hello Amber, I'm Jackie."

"What happened?"

"You had a panic attack, which triggered some severe asthma. You weren't able to breath by yourself. You've been asleep for awhile too," she smiles, rubbing my shoulder.

"How long?"

"About 2 days"

"Oh, no"

If I was out for 2 days, that means 2 concerts had to be canceled. Or rescheduled. Both are pretty bad. I hope people aren't angry, or sad. I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

"Where is everyone?"

"Mr. Knight, Wood, and Wigington are all in the cafeteria. Someone else came as well, her name is Grace. Do you know her?"

"Oh yes! She's my best friend!"

"Well they are all eating right now, you want to surprise them?"

I nodded eagerly and smiled at her widely. She helped my up and made it to where my IV station was mobile.

We walked down to the cafeteria and I spotted them immediately. Thank god Awsten's hair is blue, makes him so much easier to spot.

"Well this is where I part, by the way Amber, he didn't leave unless he was forced to. This is one of the first times he's ate."

I looked over at him and shook my head laughing weakly.

"He's stupid"

"He's in love"

She nodded her head towards the group and left. I just stood there for a moment and grabbed my IV thing and walked towards them. Grace and Otto, who were sitting in front of Awsten and Geoff saw me. I put a finger in front of my lips and poked Awsten's shoulder.

"Sir, I'm gonn have to ask you to leave." I said in a manly voice. He didn't move but said,

"I don't think so buddy, sorry"

"Are you sure?" I said in my regular voice. He quickly turned around and when he saw me he grabbed me and hugged me as hard as he could.

"Amber, we didn't know if you were gonna make it. You- you weren't breathing" he croaked. I felt tears hit the hospital gown I was wearing.

"Well I'm alive and well" I laughed.

"Thank God, I don't know what I would have done without you." He backed away from the hug and wiped his tears away.

I hugged the rest of the group and sat down next to Awsten, who shakily placed a hand on my thigh.

"What are the fans saying about the concerts being cancelled?" I asked, picking at Awstens plastic tray.

"They were saying health is more important than playing a show. They really care about you, Amber"

I smiled and looked down at Awsten's hand, and placed my own on top of his. He stopped eating and looked at me and smiled before kissing my cheek.


"Are you sure you want to play tonight, man? You just got released. Like 3 hours ago!" Geoff asked me.

"I was born ready, Geoffrey."

He rolled his eyes at his pet name and picked up his guitar. We waited for our signal and ran onto the stage when they gave it to us.

"She had a bit of a health scare, but she's back now! Give it up for Amber Moore!"

Otto banged on his drums and I yelled thank you into the mic. The audience screamed me clapped, and I smiled. We started our show and it felt so good to be back on stage again. Imagine if I would have died. I would have never gotten any of this again.

powerless // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now