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After I ran out of the party, Geoff found me. I was so choked up and shocked I couldn't even tell him what happened. I still haven't, I don't want to tell anyone. Awsten means so much to me and I have no idea what Ciara will do if I tell someone and they do something about it.

Today Ciara suggested we all go to the movies, did I say all? I meant everyone except me.


"Awsten sweety, we haven't had a date in so long! We should go to the movies!" Ciara said in her sickly sweet voice.

"Oh for sure!" He replied, I roll my eyes and placed my head back on the bunk pillow, where I'm hiding for now. He is so oblivious.

"Hey you should bring you're friends too'"

"Yea I'll get Amber and Geoff and Otto"

"Um not Amber, just the guys."

"What why?"

"I didn't want to tell you, I don't want to cause drama" My ears perk up when she says this.

"Just tell me, babe" he said in a caring voice, I remember that voice...

"Well at the party yesterday-"

She's gonna tell him what she did to me! Finally she will do something good in her life.

"She came up to me and she called me a bitch, and that I need to get out of her's and your life"

Awsten gasped, and I could faintly hear her start to cry. My eyes widened and I cover my mouth.

"I can't believe she would do that! She is so fake, I should have never been her friend. I'm so sorry baby."

My eyes stared to water and I leaned back, quietly sobbing.


Why would she say that! None of that is true! But why would Awsten believe her?

I was crying so long that I tired myself out and fell asleep, it wasn't good sleep though. I was tossing and turning and having terrible nightmares the whole time.

When I woke up I checked my phone and it was 8:02 a.m. I yawn and go to take a shower before the rest of the guys do.

After I'm out of my long shower the guys are all up and doing stuff. Geoff is cooking a hot pocket and Otto is sitting on the couch and trying to shove his hair into a small beanie. I wonder where Awsten is?

A large figure slams into my shoulder and walks past me into the kitchen where Geoff looks over at me and tilts his head. I groan and hold my shoulder and see that it was Awsten that ran into me, on purpose.

"Awsten, what the hell?!" I ask him while rubbing my shoulder.

He doesn't stop what he's doing but says "oh did I hurt you? I'm so sorry," sarcastically while touching his chest. What the fuck?

I squint my eyes at him and shake my head softly going to sit by Otto who has no idea what's happening.

"Guess we've all hurt people, huh?" He mumbles while walking past me and glaring at me the whole way.

I sigh and sit beside Otto and lean over to put my head in my hands.

"Hey Amber, your phone is going off," Geoff tells me.

I sit up and catch my phone that he tossed towards me. I turn it on and see texts from a number I don't know.

Hey! It's Grace, wanna hang out? I saw that y'all are touring near me today.

I smile and quickly reply,

Totally! Give me like 10 minutes and we can meet at Starbucks.

I turn my phone back off and chuck it on the couch beside Otto, who I almost hit in the face. He looks at me and puts his hand on his heart and I giggle and run off.

I go put on a random band t-shirt and a jean jacket before putting on skinny jeans and vans. I decide on no makeup and get my phone the go out the door.

When I was getting my stuff I heard Awsten talking to Ciara, about me.

I couldn't hear much but I did pick out, "She isn't my friend and never will be again." So that's just great!

As I walked towards the meeting place I got spotted a few times and took pictures with a few fans, they were really nice. They would ask about Awsten and how our relationship was going. I would just say good and say I had to go. It still hurts talking about him and the relationship we almost had.

When I made it into the Starbucks finally I saw a pink head of hair coming towards me. I quickly made my way over to Grace and we hugged for a minute. Then we found a table and sat down.

"So how's everything going?" She asked me. I thought for a minute and decide to tell her the truth, I need someone to rant to.

"Terrible actually, after we stopped talking at the party she came up to me and told me to get out of Awsten's life. And that he never loved me and never will."

Her mouth hung open and her eyes were wide.

"Then she told Awsten that I told her she was a bitch and that she needs to get out of Awsten's and my life."

"She's nuts!" She said flailing her arms in the air.

"I know, and now Awsten hates me. He believes everything she told him."

She shook her head and looked down.

"He's so naive." She said picking at her nails.

After talking about, that, we kept talking and before I knew it hours went by. I really needed a distraction right now and Grace has been a good friend and has done a perfect job doing it.


"Yes! And did you see-" I started talking but was interrupted by my phone ringing in my pocket.


"Amber it's Geoff, get your butt to the venue! We have a show tonight!" He yelled I distanced my ear from the phone and cringed at his loud tone.

"Okay I'll be there in 5! I'm so sorry"

"Awsten isn't happy by the way, so watch out for him"

"Great, well I'm on my way. Bye Geoff."

"Bye Amber"

I hung up the phone and sighed, looking at Grace.

"I've got to go, I'm sorry. Let's hang out soon okay! I have to rant about Awsten and Dance Moms some more!" I said. She laughed and nodded her head before I ran out of the coffee shop down the road.

I made it to the venue in a short amount of time, thank God. When I opened the door to our room I was met by a fuming Awsten crossing his arms and standing over my small frame.

"Awsten I'm so sor-"

"Shut it Amber. Do you care about anything?"

"Yes I do actually! Do you?" I said in a snarky voice. He is not going to attack me for being late. Especially when he has showed up minutes before show because he was with Ciara.

"All you care about is being a bitch to my girlfriend!"

"What did you just say?"

"I said you're being a bitch, a dumb one too." He said getting in my face.

I took one breath and closed my eyes, then I slapped him across the face, hard. I heard a couple of gasps from across the room. I guess Otto and Geoff were watching. I opened my eyes wand looked at Awsten who was shocked and beginning to sport a red mark on the side of his face. I made a fake smile and walked off, past Otto and Geoff.

What did I just do?

powerless // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now