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I woke up to the sound of music blaring out of the TV's speakers. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I walked into the front room and found Otto and Awsten playing just dance and Geoff on his laptop with headphones on, smart.

"Hey Amber, you're up! Finally. You want to play?" Awsten eagerly asked.

"No thanks, but I would like some food."

I went into the kitchen still watching the two attempt to dance. It was hilarious. After Awsten lost two times he dropped his remote on the couch and came and sat on the counter next to me.

"Hey don't get to full, we have a date in an hour" he said while scrolling through his phone. I nearly choked on m cereal.

"What?" I said still coughing.

"We are gonna go to this fancy Italian restaurant, dress pretty." He said while winking and walking away.

"But don't we have a show tonight?"

"That's why we're going in an hour, jellybean." (Gloom Boys video reference, yw)

I rolled my eyes and put down my cereal, then walked to my suitcase to pick something to wear. I decide on a pink simple dress with a jean jacket with rose patches on it. It's my favorite jacket because it reminds me of the All Time Low Young Renegade jacket. Oh yea, I love All Time Low so much. They are one of my favorite bands.

I slip on a pair of old black converse and run to the bathroom to re-straighten my hair and put on makeup. I look at my appearance and run out of the bathroom to find Awsten. When I see him Otto and Geoff are holding hands and watching us with full focus on the couch, whispering things to each other then giggling. I smile and look at Awsten who is wearing his normal black skinny jeans and a button up shirt.

"You fix up nice, Awsten"

"I could say the same, but you always look nice" I blush and look down before he opens the door and we make our way to the restaurant.


We walk in and I see that Awsten had already made a reservation at a corner table. It has a small candle and a flower in a glass vase in the middle.

"I feel like I should have dressed nicer, it's so fucking fancy!" I whisper picking at my dress.

"You look perfect," he said plainly.

I blush and look at the menu, immediately seeing something I like. I set down my menu and see Awsten looking around.

"Thanks for taking me out"

"I owe you, a lot. I can't believe I did all that to you, I was so blind"

"I know"

"I'm so sorry Amber, for everything I did. I was so stupid. If I could take it all back I would"

"It's okay I guess, I'm not one to hold grudges"

"I'm so sorry still, I'm a fucking jackass"

"Stop talking that way, you aren't. You just acted like one." I laugh and he rolls his eyes and nods. 

I put my hand across the table and held it out for him, he put his in mine and I squeezed it reassuringly. The rest of the date we talked about life, touring, music, and whatever came to our minds. It reminded me of our first date, too. Everything was perfect just like last time.


"Wait, so Geoff got so drunk you left him at a strangers house?"

"Yep! He got throw up all over my white shirt man!"

I laughed so hard for the millionth time tonight, Awsten is so naturally funny everything he says makes me laugh.

"Oh my god"

We walked the rest of the way and changed for the show tonight. Awsten was around me all night, keeping me happy. And during the show he made me sing a couple of times and he even let me play the guitar while he did the keyboard.

After the show we went to the merch table and met some people and took some pictures. Everyone was really nice and they told us how happy we make them, I felt a lot better about myself.

We went back to the bus and drove off to our next location and before I went to bed Geoff stopped me. We ranted about Awsten and our date and he fan-girled the whole time. He told me to make sure and call Grace because she was dying to know what happened. So I did while I was laying in my bunk.

Everyone was so happy and I was too, until I started thinking about your life. Tour is ending in a few weeks. Wait a minute, will I ever see these people again? What if the guys and I loose contact or we just don't talk anymore? I'll be my lonely old self again. What if Awsten and I have to end it all?

powerless // awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now