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We've been on tour for about a month now and every show has been going really well! My nerves have gone down for the most part, but right before I go on stage I get really nervous and I get really bad butterflies in my stomach.

I should probably mention this also happens when I'm around Awsten, too. He's so funny, and beautiful, and sweet, and ugh. Not like I can say anything though, all we are is band mates. Temporarily.

Today we have an interview with some radio station for a little P.R.. I'm not that scared but I've never been interviewed seriously. We're on our way there right now, and Geoff won't shut up about how he caught some rare Pokémon on Pokémon Go. Otto already slapped him twice and Awsten put on headphones to block him out. I being the nice person I am have been just sitting and pretending to listen to him while he rambles. He's so adorable and sweet, I just don't understand anything he's saying.


We made it to the radio station we're being interviewed at, and to my surprise there's fans waiting outside for us. When we got out of the car the guys took pictures with people and signed stuff.

I felt a poke to my back and when I turned around I saw a girl who looked around 16.

"Uh, hi Amber! Could you take a picture with me?" She asked in a small voice. I could tell she was nervous, I hope it's not because of me!

A large smile spread across my face and I nodded at the girl. She held out her hand with her phone to take a selfie of us and we did a few poses. I gave her a big hug and she thanked me before she ran off.

Wow, I have fans? That's new.


We got small mics pinned onto our shirts and we were sitting on the couch waiting for the interviewer to come. I heard some workers say she was late.

Once she finally came she eyed me weirdly and looked Awsten up and down. That kinda makes me uncomfortable, and a bit jealous? We're not dating and I have no right to be, but I can't help but feel it in the back of my mind. I push my thoughts aside as she starts the interview.

"This is 96.9 The Beat! Today I'm here with local Houston band Waterparks! Hey guys!"

We wave and smile to the camera. I try my best since I'm wedged in between Otto and Geoff. They both are huge and broad shouldered and I'm well, not.

"So how are you guys feeling for your first headline tour?" Her eyes moved along all of our faces, but she stopped at mine and gave me a bit of a glare before moving her eyes along. 

Otto spoke up, "it's really awesome! We have met so many fans from all over and have played live to so many people, we're really excited to continue"

Geoff, Awsten, and I nodded out heads in agreement.

"Now you, Amber, aren't a member of the band correct?" She smirked and look at me intently.

"Uh, um" I stutter, trying to save myself from looking like a fool.

"She's actually touring with us as a back up vocalist and keyboardist, so yes she is a member of the band actually." Awsten replies, crossing his arms and looking at me.

I put my hands back on my lap and smile at him gratefully. He just saved my ass from public humiliation.

The interviewers eyes widen and she forces a laugh while going through her papers, clearly shocked at Awsten's words. Take that!


The rest of the interview went smoothly, and the woman didn't make and remarks after the first. Now we we're back on the bus on the way to our next location.

"Hey Awsten, thanks for saving my ass back there!"

"She was being bitchy, and I felt like it was time to be my smartass self." He laughed.

I hug him quickly and he hugs back, embracing me in his warmth. I could stay like this forever I think, but the feeling soon fades as he pulls away.

"Hey, this is weird and kinda out of the blue but, would you want to get coffee sometime maybe?" He asks while scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Like a date?"

"Uh no, it doesn't have to be like a da-"

"I'd love to go on a date with you Awsten."

He smiles down at me before pulling me in for another tight hug and running off into the back room. I smile and fiddle with the rings on my fingers, leaning on the smaller kitchen counter.

"Did I just hear what I think I did?" I jump and look up and a smiling Geoff who just walked into the room.

"Uh, what no-"

"I was in my bunk with the curtain drawn, I heard every word. Amber and Awsten sitting in a tree K-I-S-"

I run up to Geoff and put a finger up to his lips, shutting him up.

"Geoff shh, you know I really like him and I don't want to ruin this!" I whisper yell.

I drop my hands and he zips his lips and throws away the key.

"Thank you" I say and hug him.

"You're welcome, Amber" he says and pats my head.

"You're so short!" He says while looking down at me and laughing.

I smack him on the chest and sit down on a nearby couch.

I'm going on a date with Awsten Knight.

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