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"What if I get this job?" I ask myself over and over. I could make some money, maybe! I could catch up on my bills, I could get some things for my apartment, I could get a fish! Okay, maybe not a fish but still!

"YES!!" I yell with a biggest smile I've had in awhile.

I look deeper into the article and find the place to apply for the job. I click on the link and start to get more excited. My computer loads for a minute, just making the suspense unbearable, then pops up a series of questions to answer then email to the band manager to look over.

Why do you want this job?

I think for a moment, then start typing.

"Playing the keyboard is a passion of mine and I'd love to do it for a band! I have my own apartment I have to pay the bills on as well, so the extra money would be very helpful."

How long have you played/sang?

"I've played since I was 13, and now I'm 23. I've always sang too, as far back as I can remember I've been singing for my family, friends, and for audiences." I type feeling good about my answer.

I type in the last few answers and look over them, changing any grammar or spelling mistakes. Satisfied with my work I email it to the given information.

"Thank you for you application!" I read aloud from my screen.

Wait a second, what if I don't get the job? What if I got my hopes up for nothing and I have no where to go?

Stressing out is probably the worst thing I could do right now, but now all I can think about is if I don't get the job. I'm already on my last leg with bills, and I don't have any family that could lend me money.

Done with thinking about the bad possibilities, jump into the shower to rinse off and relax. It's weird how taking a shower calms me down so much. While in the shower I play some stuff from my Spotify. I belt out the lyrics to 'When I Come Around' by Green Day.

I dry off and get dressed in sweatpants and an old t-shirt and some ankle socks. Maybe I should just take a nap while I wait? I look back at my computer that I accidentally left open and on and it said expected reply time is 2-8 hours, that's enough time to take a deserved nap, I think. I save the tabs and X out of the rest, then shut it down.

I walk into my bedroom and close my curtains and lay down, pulling only the thin sheet over my body since the Houston weather is practically boiling me right now, unlike before when I was freezing to death. Is the weather bipolar or? I close my eyes and before I know it the sound of my TV in the living room gets quieter and quieter, and and I'm drifting off to sleep.


I wake up to an argument outside my window. I groan before rolling over and closing it to try and block off the noise. Can't they take it inside? I throw my head to the side and see the clock reads 1:18 a.m. So much for a short nap!

"Surely I have an answer but now" I tell myself while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

I get out of bed for the second time that day and walk into the living room where my computer lies on the table.

Before I go in I get a water bottle out of the fridge and gulp it down and stare at my computer as it turns on, fearing what they screen will read. 

I clumsily put the lid on the bottle and put it down, and decide I need to just get it over with and see what they said. Just like ripping off a band aid right? I open my laptop and look at my email, seeing a reply from the Waterparks manager.

I click on it and begin reading the email.

Dear Miss Amber Moore,

Thank you for your application!

We are pleased to inform you that the band has picked you to be the temporary member of Waterparks! 

You are needed to go on tour with the band and record new demos/songs with them. Tour will start in two weeks, but you will leave to the studio soon, so start packing! It will last roughly around 6 months. You will be able to buy things you need along the way if you are unable to pack them. We have a plane ticket to fly you to LA where you will meet with the rest of the band to learn the songs thoroughly. Your plane leaves at 4:30 pm Friday afternoon. The ticket is linked below. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reply to this email.

Thank you
Waterparks Manager, Mr. Bill Hanson.

"I GOT THE JOB! OH MY GOD I HAVE THE JOB" I yell at the top of my lungs. Then I hear the people above me hit the ground signaling me to tone it down a notch.

"Sorry!" I yell quieter in their direction.

"I got it. I got it. I got it. I did something right for once!" I think to myself.

"Oh my god, I need to start packing!"

I run to my room and get out the biggest suitcase I can find and start packing basically my whole closet into it.

"Thank God grandma taught me how to pack super tight, never thought I would need it"

If my plane leaves Friday then I need to hurry up. Glancing over my phone lock screen, I see it's Thursday, wait what? How long was I asleep?

I run to the bathroom and pack all my makeup, hair things, and uh, lady stuff. Then I run back into the living room to get my laptop and all the chargers and cables I'll need.

"Okay shirts check, pants check, socks check, underwear check, all bathroom stuff check, all tech stuff check, well is that it?" I ask myself.

I do one last sweep of my house before closing my suitcase and putting it by the door, I glance at my closet and see something absolutely vital I need.

"My keyboard! How could I have forgotten you!"

I put it on the table and begin cleaning it, since I'm already done packing. When I'm done I put it in its case next to my suitcase.

I jump into bed with a smile on my face, I know tonight I'm going to sleep like a baby.

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