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The Miracle Baby

The precious little girl became to softly wail, her face now with color turned red.

"DAD!" She screamed again as her eyes filled up with tears.

"Charlie Grace? What's wrong?" Corey asked as he ran over

"She cried!" She stammered upon her words as she gestured towards the baby in her arms.

"That's ridiculous Char, she was pronounced de-"

"Listen!" Charlie said

Just then the baby began to softly cry again

"Oh my lord" Corey cried.

"NURSE! DOCTOR!" Corey screamed as he ran to the hallway outside

They rushed in.

"This ones alive" Corey cried in joy.

"Thats impossible Sir. Her heart stopped" The nurse declared


Ember started crying, and finally opened up her eyes.

"We are so sorry Sir, this must of been a miracle. We are going to run a few more tests, then we will bring her to Sabrina." The nurse stated as she took the baby from Charlie's arms.

"She's alive" Corey cried bringing Charlie into a hug.

"Its a miracle." She said crying too.

"Can we go see Mom?" Charlie asked

"Of course, the twins and Blake are with aunt Rowan and uncle Peyton, they got here a few minutes ago." Corey said as he pulled away from the hug.

"Mommy" Charlie cried as she saw her mom on the bed who was slowly waking up.

"What's wrong? Are my babies alright" Sabrina started to panicked.

Corey took in a deep breath and sighed, "The boys are gone honey, the doctors tried to save them" He cried

Sabrina's heart sunk, she had lost her two boys.

Through her tears, she took a deep breath and continued on.

"Ember Anastasia, is she okay?" She asked hopefully.

"She was also pronounced dead Sabs, but Charlie saw her and picked her up and sang to her and then she started crying. It was a miracle" Corey smiled.

"I lost two of my babies" she cried out.

"I know" He cried too while joining Sabrina on the hospital bed, crying their eyes out.

"Mom, I think we should change Embers middle name." Charlie spoke after they calmed down from crying.

"Why? Is Anastasia not good?"

"Its a beautiful name. But so is hope. Because i had hope for Ember, and she lived. Ember Hope Fogelmanis" Charlie teared up.

"Oh Charlie" Sabrina cried. "It's beautiful"

"Let's make her name special, and give her two middle names" Corey suggested.

"Two?" The girls questioned with a giggle

"Ember Anastasia Hope Fogelmanis"

"It's perfect" Sabrina smiled

"Now should we invite in the kids, and then your parents and thenRowan and Peyton" Corey asked sadly.

"Of course. We will get through this as a family." Sabrina said while brushing her tears away.

Brielle and Mia and Blake toddled in looking around the room

"Where are my brothers and sister?" Blake asked as he took a seat on the couch.

"Your brothers are in a better place Blakey" Sabrina cried.

"What?" Brielle gasped.

"They didn't make it. They're hearts weren't strong enough" Corey cried while pulling his son into his arms.

"What about Ember?" Mia asked.

"She made it. She's a miracle baby" Corey smiled

"She's very little though, so i'm not sure you will be able to see her soon" Charlie said.

"I want my brothers" Brielle cried

"I know sweetie, But they are in a much better place now, I promise you" Sabrina cried a little.

"I wanna go home" Brielle cried once again.

"Okay sweetie. Auntie Rowan and Uncle Peyton may be able to take you home" Corey answered as he picked Brielle up and sat her on his lap.

"Sabby!" Rowan cheered as her and Peyton walked in, both unaware of the loss of Ethan and Mason.

"Where is my little niece and nephews! I got presents!" Rowan cheered as she peered around the room.

"They aren't here Row, The boys didn't make it" Corey sadly answered.


A month later, Both Sabrina and baby Ember, who gained much weight were able to come home.

"Welcome home baby Ember!" Corey greeted as he opened the door for Sabrina and his baby girl.

"Embers home!" Blake cheered as he saw his parents come through the door.

"Shhh Blake, you can't yell. Your sister is sleeping" Charlie reminded him as she looked at her little sister sleeping in the carrier.

"Can I hold her?" Blake begged.

"Of course. Now go with Charlie, and Mia and go wash your hands off. And where is Brielle?" Corey asked

"Upstairs in her bedroom. She doesn't want to see baby Ember" Mia rolled her eyes.

Sabrina and Corey looked at eachother and nodded and Corey went up the stairs to find her.

"Brielle?" Corey asked walking into her bedroom.

"Mommy and the baby is home. Do you want to see your sister?" Corey asked as he took a seat next to her on the bed.

"No. I want to see my brothers" Brielle cried.

"I do too sweetie, but they are in such a better place now. They would love too see you from heaven seeing their sister" Corey enthused

"But Daddy, I am still so upset about it. I miss them everyday" Brielle cried.

"I know, we all miss them. But we need to move on in life. It's what Mason and Ethan would of wanted" Corey whispered.

"I guess i'll try and get over it" Brielle sighed

"You don't have to get over it Bri, you and the rest of us will always love them the same. But we need to move on from grieving the loss"

"I suppose."

"Are you ready to see your baby sister?" Corey asked standing up.

"Yes!" Brielle grinned ear to ear as she hopped up from the bed to go downstairs.

Maybe things will be alright.

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