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The Unexpected Visitor

"Corey?" Sabrina asked as she heard the front door open.

With no response, the seven month pregnant teenager walked herself down the hallway and down the steps.

"Why you home so early? I thought you and Peyton were seeing a movie" Sabrina questioned confused as she looked around the house for Corey.

No response, Sabrina thought he was pulling a prank on her, so she silently walked around the house trying to find him.

She saw a pair of sneakers, which weren't Corey's and started to get scared, thinking it wasn't Corey in the house.

"Corey. This isn't funny. I'm getting scared and stress isn't good for the baby" Sabrina called out.

"Bradley? What the hell are you doing here" She asked as she saw him standing in the kitchen.

"You have two choices. You leave Corey and come with and get an abortion or i kill you and the baby right now" Bradley said with anger as he gripped on to a knife.

"Bradley. What's wrong with you?! This isn't the Bradley i know and used to love" Sabrina said in fear as she took a step back.

"Don't make me do this Sabrina. Just listen to me and everything will be okay"

On the other hand, Corey had forgotten his wallet so him and Peyton came back home quietly, thinking Sabrina was still sleeping.

"Bradley. Please don't do this. This is your baby too" Sabrina cried out throughout the house and Bradley inched closer with the knife in his hand.

Peyton gave Corey a look and they quietly and secretly went towards the noise, and watched.

"Oh hell to the no" Corey whispered before getting up and running behind Bradley and pushed him into the counter too.

"Corey!" Sabrina cried out in happiness

As Corey pushed him into the counter tops, knocking him out Peyton called the police.

"Sabs. Look at me. I'm here, Peyton's here. And the police are coming. It's going to be okay" Corey said holding her face close to his.

"He-h-He almost killed me and Charlotte" Sabrina said through her tears, starting to hyperventilate

"Sabrina, everything is going to be okay. Don't worry we're all here" Corey assured her, not letting go of her face.

She still sat there in Corey's arms, hyperventilating and not calming down and Corey knew this was going to effect the baby so he took his shot.

With his hands still on her face, he leaned in slowly and placed a long kiss on her lips.

Sabrina snapped out of whatever kind of faze she was in and kissed back.

"Errrr sorry to break up this adorable Corbrina moment, but the police are here. Are you ready to tell them your story" Peyton said standing their awkwardly

"Yeah...Corey will you come with me" Sabrina asked with pleading eyes as she grabbed ahold of his hand.

"Yeah." Corey said getting out of his little fantasy.


After longing hours, Sabrina and Corey found out that Bradley was going to be sent to jail for attempted murder for a long time and Peyton went home, so currently Corey and Sabrina where smuggled up on Corey's bed watching Alice In Wonderland.

"Cor" Sabrina asked turning to face him.


"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course Sabs, you can ask me anything"

"Why did you kiss me?"

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