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"Were home!" Sabrina announced as she opened the door

"Mommy! Daddy!" Blake exclaimed as he ran over to hug the two.

"Did you find out if i'm having a brother or a sister?!" Mia asked as she and her two sisters ran over to join her parents and brother in the living room.

"Wellll. Surprising we are having not one. Not two, but triplets!" Corey cheered.

"Woah! Three babies!" Brielle gasped.

"Two boys, and one little girl" Sabrina beamed.

"Yayyyayayyaaytayaya!!!" Blake screamed while dancing around the house like a clown.

"But your mom is going to have to take it easy" Corey reminded.

"Yes. I'm on bed rest for the rest of this pregnancy, since I'm carrying a lot." Sabrina sighed.


34 Weeks.

"So in school, I got a one hundred on my math test!" Brielle cheered one morning at breakfast

"That's great Bri" Sabrina grumbled from her seat, while clutching on to her stomach.

"Mommy? What's wrong? Remember, a one hundred is great!" Brielle giggled while confused due to her mother's lack on enthusiasm

"I guess the boys and Ember are kicking pretty hard this morning." Sabrina said in pain.

"What if their coming now" Charlie suggested.

"I highly doubt that Char, i still have a little less than two months to go" Sabrina said, then gasped loudly

"Saba?! Are you okay?! Are they coming!" Corey asked dramatically as he rushed over to Sabrina's side.

Yes nodded teary eyed, while looking up and down

"It's too early. They are gonna be too little" Sabrina panicked.

"Kids. No school today. In the car ASAP. Charlie, grab the hospital bags please"

The kids cheered due to missing school today, then rushed out to follow their fathers orders

"Call Row, and Peyton. I want my Rowboat their with me." Sabrina cried out as Corey sped down the street heading towards the local hospital.

"Help us! She's is labor!" Corey screamed as he struggled to carry in Sabrina

Doctors rushed towards her aid, and set her on a stretcher and pushed her away

"Char, watch your siblings. I'll come
out when I'm aloud. I love you." Corey said quickly while kissing her forehead and running off to follow Sabrina.


"It's too early" Sabrina cried out as the doctors encouraged her to push.

"Sabrina. Push now!" The nurses ordered as they sat ready for the three babies.

She pushed the first one out, which the doctors and nurses announced "Its a boy!"

Then soon came the second boy, and then finally the little girl.

"Why aren't they crying!" Sabrina panicked.

"Sabs, lay down. You just gave birth. I'll go figure out what's going on" Corey condemned as he followed the nurses with his babies out of the room.

"They're not breathing. Not any of em" The nurse stated to the other nurse.

Corey watched in fear, and sadness as the nurses attempted to save the babies

"Time of death. 12:45pm" The nurse stated causing Corey to scream like he's never done before.

"I'm sorry sir, we did our best. Your free to still see them" The nurse stated as she whipped away her own tears

Corey nodded slowly and got up to go look at his three precious angels.

Ethan Daniel, Mason Nathaniel and Ember Anastasia.

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