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Nursery,Preparation and Bradley?

"How much clothes did we buy" Sabrina joked as she put the clothes away in the drawers that arrived that morning.

"Enough to give this kid three outfits a day for two years" Corey joked as he started putting the crib together.

"So after where done, do you want to go to dinner and invite Rowan and Peyton? We could tell them the gender even though they probably know after our correct predictions" Sabrina wondered aloud as she closed up the drawers.

"Sure! I'll ask Peyton, and you can ask Rowan. I'm about finish up the crib so do you wanna shower first and then we can get going" Corey suggested as he finished up the crib.

"Great! I'll be ten minutes" Sabrina said getting up and heading to the bathroom down the hallway.


"Row!" Sabrina said in excitement, as she waddled over to Rowan to give her a hug.

The four got a booth and seated and ordered their drinks.

"So, any news of girl meets world yet?" Peyton asked while taking a look at menu

"Nobody wants to pick it up." Rowan sighed

"At least we got three seasons" Corey shrugged.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I have the bladder of a squirrel so i'm going to the bathroom." Sabrina said excusing herself from the booth and walking off to the nearest restroom.

"Sooooo when you gonna tell her you loveeeee her" Rowan giggled to Corey after Sabrina walked away.

"Rowan!" Corey shushed her, starting to madly blush.

"It's so obvious you like her Corey. You care for her so much, more than friends" Peyton added

"Well maybe in the future. She has enough pressure about being pregnant and everything" Corey responded

"But still! Corbrina is goalsssss and it NEEDS to happen!" Rowan cheered

"What needs to happen" Sabrina asked taking a seat next to Corey.

"Uhh" The other three said, taking a frantic look at eachother.

"Me and Peyton! That needs to happen, Reyton all the way!" Rowan lied hoping she would buy it.

"Okay then... so what are you guys gonna order?" Sabrina asked taking a look at the menu

"I'm going to have the stea-" Peyton started saying only to be interrupted by Sabrina

"Oh my gosh!" Sabrina gasped almost spilling her drink

"what! Is Charlotte okay!" Corey said beginning to freak out.

"Shh! She's fine, but look! Bradleys with a new girl" Sabrina said patting his hand assuring him that everything is alright about the baby.

"Charlotte? It's a girl?!" Rowan said in excitement

"Surprise! We found out yesterday, and yes Charlotte. Charlotte Grace" Sabrina grinned

"And her nickname is going to be Charlie" Corey added, not realizing that neither him or Sabrina had moved their hands from being together.

"Charlotte?! Of all things you name our kid Charlotte." Bradley snorted walking over towards the four.

"Why does it matter if you don't like it. You don't even want to be apart of her life" Sabrina sneered back, gripping on to Corey's hand.

"She is still my daughter. And even if i'm not apart of her life I should still get a say in the name. Who even thought of the name Charlotte" Bradley fired back

"Me" Corey spoke up. "Its a beautiful name for a beautiful baby who will have an amazing life with her beautiful mother" Corey said staring Bradley down.

"That damn baby ruined our relationship Sabrina. You can blame "Charlotte" for that" Bradley said storming off.

"Is Charlotte a bad name" Sabrina said looking up at Corey with tears forming in her eyes.

"No no no Sabs, it's perfect. He's just jealous" Corey reassured, pulling Sabrina into a hug.

"True. I'm sorry for crying guys, pregnancy hormones" Sabrina giggled whipping her tears.

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