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Bradley, Wedding and Dogs

"Sabrina!" Bradleys voice screamed through Corey and Sabrina's new house.

"How did he even find us!" Corey asked

"No clue. Prob followed us home. I'll go answer it, if he keeps screaming like this he might wake Charlie from her nap." Sabrina said kissing Corey quickly then running down the steps to the front door.

"What do you want" Sabrina sassed putting her hands on her hips.

"My daughter" Bradley smirked.

"What daughter? The one you threatened to kill two years ago" Sabrina screamed at him.

"That bitch you call your boyfriend is not her father. I am her father and she deserves to know that Sabrina" Bradley boomed back.

"Correction. He's my fiancé. And he is Charlie's father. He's done everything he could possibly do to help her out, provided a home and more importantly love to her. Which you've never done."

"Sabrina. Come back with me. You don't need him, I'll love you" Bradley pleaded

"Don't you have a girlfriend." Sabrina laughed

"We can work stuff out. She will be Charles step mom."

"It's Charlie. And she loves me." Corey said coming down the steps behind Sabrina.

"Fuck off Fogelmanis. I don't have time for you and your lies" Bradley screamed at him.

"Mama? Daddy?" Charlie's voice squeaked as she stood at the top of the stairs.

She ran down the steps while clutching on to her stuffed puppy Corey had gotten her when she was born at the hospital.

"Princess. What's wrong?" Corey asked turning around and opened his arms up to his daughter.

"Scary man screaming" Charlie pouted while pointing towards Bradley.

"He is just leaving Sweetie, how about you Daddy and I go watch princess movies and eat a snake" Sabrina smiled towards her daughter, causing her to smile back.

"Goodbye Bradley. Don't ever come back" Corey smirked before slamming the door in his face

"Movie time!" Charlie cheered as Corey carried her to the family room and plopped her onto the couch.


"Mommy it's so pretty!" Charlie exclaimed as she twirled around in a long wedding dress

"Thanks cutie pie. One day you will wear one of these" Sabrina smiled while admiring herself in the mirror.

"I love it" Sarah said looking at Sabrina in the dress.

Over the the years Charlotte was born, Sabrina's sisters came and apologizes for ignoring her and not supporting her, as they were just following their parents commands. But now, they were all happy and friendly with eachother.

"Mommy, can we get a puppy now" Charlie asked that night at the dinner table.

"Charlie. I thought we said after everything is settled and once you get a little older" Corey questioned

"Listen to Daddy Charlie. We just moved in and we have the wedding coming up and everything else, now isn't the time for the dog" Sabrina added

"But! Mommy, Daddy I wanna doggy" Charlie pouted, while crossing her arms.

"Charlotte Grace. You can't get a dog now. And that's it" Sabrina directed in a stern tone

"YOUR MEAN!" Charlie screamed as loud as her little, innocent voice could.

"Charlotte Grace. We do not scream in this house. Now I want you to go upstairs in your bedroom and go to bed and think of what you've done. No desert tonight" Corey instructed pointing towards the stairwell.

"Erg! Your mean too!" Charlie sassed before running away.

"I'm sorry Sabrina, for even bringing up a dog a few days ago" Corey apologized

"It's fine Corey. I guess this is what they mean by the terrible twos" Sabrina joked while cleaning up the dishes.

"Your right" Corey laughed back. "Now since she's in bed, you and I can finally watch that movie" Corey grinned

"Yes! You set it up and i'll get the popcorn" Sabrina said while taking the popcorn boxes out of the cabinet.

After two hours, and two bags of popcorn, the movie was over and they were ready to go check on Charlie who had probably fell asleep by the no noise she was making.

"She's not here" Corey questioned as he opened the door to her bedroom

"what do you mean where could she of gone? We were downstairs the whole time" Sabrina worried

"Charlie!" They both screamed running around the house.

"No sign of her" They said as they met together after searching for over ten minutes.

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