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Five Years Later

Sabrina and Corey 31
Charlie 14
Brielle and Mia 9
Blake 7

"Get out of my room Mia!" Charlie yelled at her youngest sister while pushing her out of her bedroom.

"Daddy!" Mia cried running away.

Soon on, Corey came in holding a teary eyed Mia who was still upset

"Charlie Grace. Did you push your sister" Corey ordered in a stern voice.

"Yeah so" Charlie said annoyed, barley even paying attention to Corey.

"I expect an apology. You are fourteen, and you should know better by now to not push and shove"

"No. She shouldn't of been in my room" Charlie scoffed, too occupied by her cell phone.

Corey, who had enough of this teenage behavior of his oldest daughter, took her phone out of her hands.

"Hey!" Charlie yelled.

"Your not listening Charlotte. Apologize to your sister now" Corey grumbled while placing the phone in his back pocket.

As much as he hated disciplining and ordering his children around, he knew at some points that it had to be done.

"No! She shouldn't of been in my
room, she deserves it!" Charlie yelled.

"Don't raise your voice at me. I am your father." Corey spoke

"No your not! Your not my dad. I don't have a dad!" Charlie sassed.

Corey, who had a lost of words, froze. He never expected this discipline to get this far, and he never thought Charlie would think that way about him, he always thought himself as Charlie's father.

He set Mia down, with no words and stormed out of the bedroom slamming the door with tears running down his face already.

"Cor?" Sabrina asked from the kitchen as she spotted him bolt down the stairs.

"She hates me" Corey cried out while sinking to the floor.

"What happened?" Sabrina comforted, while joining him on the floor and pulling him into a deep and loving hug.

"Charlie. She said i'm not her dad" He cried out even harder

"Listen Cor, you are her father. You have loved her ever since we found out I was pregnant. She may of said that now because she's mad, but she knows your her father" Sabrina reassured, while resting her head on his shoulder.

"I'm a terrible father" Corey cried

"No your not. Your an amazing father to all five of your children." Sabrina said, not realizing she let the secret out.

"Five?!" Corey gasped, with a grin appearing on his face.

"Surprise!" Sabrina cheered.

"Yay! Another baby!" Corey cheered while pulling Sabrina back into a hug.

"I was planning to tell you tonight, but we still can tell the kids tonight. After I talk to Charlie." Sabrina whispered to him, not wanting the kids to find out.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Brielle asked while coming down the stairs.

"Yes Bri?" Corey said getting up from the floor with Sabrina, and dried off his tears.

"Charlie is crying is her room." Brielle stated while frowning. "I tried to knock and ask her what's wrong but she told me to go away and then she continued to cry"

"It's Okay Brielle, Ill go talk to her. She's just upset at the moment." Sabrina confirmed while leaving to head up the stairs.

"Charlie?" Sabrina asked softly, while knocking on the door.

"Go away mom." Charlie cried from her bed.

"I have the key. I'm coming in" Sabrina ordered while unlocking the door

"Mom, I didn't mean what I said" Charlie cried.

"I know you didn't sweetie. Your just mad, what's bothering you?" Sabrina asked.

"Tessa. She told me that I'm a worthless piece of shit and that I don't deserve to be apart of this family, or their family. So I guess it's true" Charlie shrugged.

"That is not true. Your an amazing daughter, only one can dream of. You deserve to be in this family. Who cares what Tessa thinks. You have us." Sabrina smiled.

"Is Dad alright?" Charlie worried, realizing what she had done.

"You need to go apologize. You broke his heart sweetie when you said that, please never say that to him again" Sabrina sighed.

"I'm sorry Mom, i'll go apologize now"


"Daddy?" Charlie whispered approaching Corey who sat on the front porch step.

"Charlie Grace" Corey smiled looking up at her, with his eyes still bloodshot and watery.

"Daddy, I'm sorry. I've just been so stressed out recently. Between my step family, grades, my boyfriend and especially Tessa. And I shouldn't of taken it out on you. You have been their for me even before I was born, and I love you so much" Charlie said while sitting down and hugging him

"I know sweet heart, it just breaks my heart that you would even think those things. I love you so much" Corey said hugging her.

"So what's going on the step family?" Corey asked as Charlie rested her head on his shoulder.

"Tessa's just a bitch." Charlie grumbled.

"She says i don't deserve a family, and says i'm worthless"

"You are nowhere near worthless, your a princess Charlie. And you deserve this family so much, and your an amazing older sister." Corey smiled.

"Thanks Dad" Charlie grinned.

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