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Charlotte Grace Carpenter

"Any day now and you will have a little baby girl in your arms" Corey reminded Sabrina as she rocked on the rocking chair in the nursery.

"I know, it's crazy thinking it's been almost nine months." Sabrina said rubbing her stomach.

"So I was meaning to ask you, since you've been the biggest help, and most loving best friend ever. Would you like to be in the room when I actually have her?" Sabrina offered looking up at Corey.

"I would love too, thank you Sabrina" Corey grinned while going up to her and pulling her into a loving and meaningful hug.

"And Sabrina" He added while pulling away from the hug, "Can we talk?"

"Of course"

"Well I've been thinking since the Bradley incident and since we kiss-" Corey started saying, ready to confess is true feelings for her right there and then but was interrupted by a loud yell from Sabrina.

"Ow!" Sabrina cried out, clutching her stomach again.

Her pants began look like she had peed herself but she didn't.

"My water just broke" Sabrina gasped.

"Charlie's coming!" Corey said in excitement as he ran and picked up the hospital bag.


"One last push and your baby girl will be here!" The nurse encouraged.

Currently after ten long hours of labor, it was almost over.

Rowan, Peyton, Corey's parents, and many photographers and news reporters stood in the waiting room, while nurses and Corey were in the hospital room where any minute Sabrina would give birth.

"You can do it Sabrina" Corey encouraged her and she held on to his hand for dear life.

Three more pushes, and a few minutes later at 10:13am Charlotte Grace Carpenter was here.

"She's here Sabrina, she's gorgeous" Corey awed with tears in his eyes as he saw the midwife holding baby Charlotte.

"Sir do you want to cut the umbilical cord" the nurse asked Corey

"uh i'm not the dad" Corey stumbled upon his words as he saw the scissors in her hands.

"But sure, i'll do it" He said grasping the scissors and following the nurses instructions.

After a few minutes of cleaning baby Charlotte up, Corey carried the baby wrapped in a blanket to her mother, for the first time for her to see her.

"She's beautiful" Sabrina cried looking at her lovely creation, sparkling blue eyes and light brown hair.

"Name?" The nurse asked coming in with the birth certificate

"Charlotte Grace Carpenter" Sabrina smiled from ear to ear as she starred down at her daughter.

After doctors checked out both Charlotte and Sabrina, the visitors started to poor into Sabrina's room.

"Sabby!" Rowan screamed running up to hug her best friend.

"Shh Row, the baby is sleeping" Peyton said walking in after her.

"She's precious! Can I hold her?" Rowan begged looking down at Charlotte who was in Corey's arms.

"Of course Ro, just take a seat and Corey will give her to you."

"Me next!" Peyton added as he took a seat next to Rowan.

"Don't forget about us!" Corey's parents whispered walking in.

"Hi Mrs and Mr Fogelmanis, i'm
so glad you guys came" Sabrina greeted from the bed.

"Oh dear, it's Shannon and Dain. No need to be proper and call us Mrs and Mr" Shannon joked around.

"So did your parents ever try and reach out?" Shannon said taking a seat next to Sabrina as Corey placed Charlotte in her arms.

"No" Sabrina sighed. "I guess this little girl won't have grandparents" Sabrina frowned.

"If you want" Shannon smiled while looking at her husband. "We could be her grandparents. We will love her even more than a normal grandparent would" Shannon offered while staring at Charlotte.

"Thank you Shannon and Dain, I would love that" Sabrina said while smiling up at Corey.

After a few hours, the guest had left and went home and it was just Corey Sabrina and baby Charlotte left.

"You can go home if you want Cor, I don't want to keep you from staying up all night." Sabrina suggested as she saw a tired Corey beginning to fall asleep on the hospital chairs.

"It's fine Sabs, i'll stay the night with you and the baby. You need more rest than I do" Corey said getting up

"There's enough room in this bed for two. You can sleep here if you, those chairs don't seem that comfortable." Sabrina said truthfully as she eyed the hard chairs a few feet from her.

"If it's no problem, thank you" Corey thanked before slipping off his shoes and getting in bed next to Sabrina.

"I love you" Corey whispered as he thought Sabrina was sleeping.

"I love you too" Sabrina whispered back before falling asleep.

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