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Three Years Ago

Breakups and Friendships

"Your leaving me?!" Sabrina gasped towards her new ex, Bradley Steven Perry.

"Sabrina. This relationship isn't working out, And I don't want to be known as the 17 year old disney star that got a girl pregnant." Bradley fired back.

"I can't do this alone Bradley." Sabrina cried out

"It's over Sabrina. I gave you an option and you refused. I am not becoming a father. You can do this alone and I don't care" Bradley demanded.

"But Bradle-" She said, bursting into tears

"Don't freaking Bradley me. Get the hell out of my house and never come back." Bradley said while pushing her out the front door, into the down-pouring rain.

Sabrina, who was dropped off had no other option other than walking home in the thunder storm.

But then she realized her best friend, Corey might be in town and would be willing to pick her up.

Corey was the first one she told, about her pregnancy and so far he has been such a great help, she still has yet to tell her parents.

She pressed his contact name and let the phone ring while she shook from her tears and the cold.

"What's up Sabs?" Corey said positively as he answered the phone.

"Could you pick me up" Sabrina's voiced cracked and then she started to cry again.

"Text me the address i'm on my way" Corey said before hanging up.

"Sabby" Corey frowned as he quickly got out of his car and helped her in the passengers seat.

"He doesn't care Cor, he doesn't want to be apart of our babies life" Sabrina cried placing her hand on top of her small bump.

"Then fuck Bradley. I'll help you, and I'll support you through your whole
pregnancy and until you die." Corey grinned as he pulled into his driveway.

"You'd really do that?"

"Of course Sabs. Your my best friend" Corey smiled before pulling her into a hug.

"Now let's get inside. Your practically freezing" Corey said gesturing towards the soaking wet seat and her hair.


"Corey" Sabrina whined from upstairs in the bathroom

"Sabrina? You okay?" Corey said frantically as he ran up the stairs

Sabrina had been staying at Corey's for the past two days, and today was the day for Sabrina to go back home and confess to her parents.

"Can I come in?" He said, not wanting to walk in if she was naked.

"Come in" She mumbled from the ground.

Sabrina was kneeling in front of the toilet, wrapped in a towel throwing up.

"I keep throwing up and I feel like shit" Sabrina complained as she rested against the wall.

"It's morning sickness. It's very common during the early weeks of your pregnancy" Corey informed as he rubbed her back.

"How would you know that?" Sabrina asked as she flushed the toilet

"While you were sleeping last night I went out and got a few books. Very useful, there downstairs in the living room if you want to read." Corey smiled.

"Awwwee Cor, I would hug you right now but I have throw up in my hair, and I'm basically naked" Sabrina giggled while smiling up at Corey.

"Well i'll leave you to shower. I'll make breakfast downstairs, and if you need anything just holler" Corey said getting up, kissing Maya on her forehead and walking off.

They were already falling for eachother, but both were too scared to admit it.


"Do you think it's a girl of boy" Corey asked as he drove Sabrina to her parents house.

"Definitely a girl. I'm only four weeks pregnant but I just have this feeling" Sabrina answered while looking down at her stomach.

"Me too. I can see you holding a little girl with beautiful blue eyes. Have you thought of any names?" Corey blushed, realizing he said Sabrina had beautiful eyes.

"No clue yet. I sorta like Brielle but Brielle Carpenter doesn't have a nice ring to it. I want to have a cute nickname for he or she." Sabrina answered.

"Charlie Grace" Corey blurted out.

"Charlie Grace" Sabrina repeated. "What if it's a boy"

"Charles Grayson. But if it's a girl, Charlotte Grace"

"Charlotte Grace. I love it!" Sabrina said in excitement.

"And now I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we're here. Are you ready to tell your parents?" Corey asked as he parked the car.

"i'm scared. What if they make me get rid of Charlie" Sabrina frowned.

"They won't Sabs. And if you want, i'll come in with you and hold your hand through this" Corey reassured, while grasping her hand in his.

"well with you, I guess I could do this." She smiled before getting out of Corey's car.

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