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Wattpad Name: MsMuppet

Real Name: (if you choose to release that info) Emily

Title of your first story on Wattpad: Grotesque Tales

What inspires you to write: My dreams and the events happening around me

What is your favorite Genre: Horror

What made you choose your User name: my mother always called me "Muppet"

Do you plan to release more stories on Wattpad: of course : ) I have big plans for stories in the near future

Link to your story that you would like to Advertise:

If you could Inspire your fans and fellow newcomers to Wattpad what would you say: I'd probably say write what appeals to you. Don't let others pressure you into changing. I always go by the motto "If your editor tells you your story isn't good enough, you don't need a new story. You need a new editor."

What is your dream for your stories here on Wattpad: My dream is for them to become more and more popular and hopefully enter one of them in the Watty Awards.

Interview with a fellow wattpad writerWhere stories live. Discover now