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Wattpad Name: georgieberry28

Real Name: Georgia Davis :)

Title of your first story on Wattpad: My Name Was Thea

What inspires you to write: Other books, movies, acting and writing down everything that goes on in my head which isn't necessarily a good thing.

What is your favorite Genre: Sci-fi/fantasy

What made you choose your User name: Well my nickname at school is Georgie Berry (long story) and my lucky number is 28.

Do you plan to release more stories on Wattpad: Hopefully yeah, I have loads of ideas XD

Link to your story that you would like to Advertise:

If you could Inspire your fans and fellow newcomers to Wattpad what would you say: Just write whatever comes into your head and don't doubt because it'll be better than you think and people will love it. Yes some people won't, but just ignore them because people do like them :)

What is your dream for your stories here on Wattpad: For people to like what I write and hopefully enjoy it :)

Interview with a fellow wattpad writerWhere stories live. Discover now