Chapter 17 ~ Going Back in Time (Again)

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Scorpius' POV

The bathroom was empty when we arrived there. I was glad about that, because I wasn't sure how Albus and I would've been able to tell a group of girls that we needed this bathroom. That would've been very awkward.

"This is it," Albus said.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" I asked.

"Engorgement," Albus answered. "Can you hand me the soap?" I fished a bar of soap out of the sink and backed away, eyeing Albus. "Engorgio!" he shouted, causing the soap to get bigger.

I widened my eyes, then nodded my head. "Nice. Consider me engorgimpressed."

"Sounds like something your mum would say," Albus said.

"Maybe, if she was actually impressed," I muttered.

"True. Maybe everyone was right about you and Aunt Max. Anyway, the second task took place in the Black Lake. The champions had to retrieve something that was stolen from them, which turned out to be--"

"--people they cared about," I finished for him.

"Yes. Cedric used a Bubble-Head Charm to swim through the lake. All we have to do is follow him in there and use Engorgement to turn him into something rather larger. We know that the Time-Turner doesn't give us long, so we need to be quick. We have to get Cedric, Engorgio his head, and watch him float out of the lake, away from the competition."

I nodded my head, still a bit confused. "Okay, so how are we going to actually get to the lake?"

All of a sudden, a jet of water emerged from the old Victorian sink, ascending a very familiar ghost. "Woah, that feels good. Never used to enjoy that. But when you get to my age, you take what you can..."

I laughed a bit. "Of course. You're a genius, Albus. Why didn't I think of Moaning Myrtle?"

Moaning Myrtle widened her eyes in disgust and scooped down to my face. "What did you call me?! Do I moan?! Am I moaning now?! AM I?!"

Scared, I shook my head. "No."

"What's my name?" she asked.


She shot me a creepy smile. "Yes, it's Myrtle. Myrtle Elizabeth Warren. A very pretty name, if I do say so myself. No need for the moaning."

I rolled my eyes. Yeah, whatever.

Moaning Myrtle began to giggle. "It's been quite some time since boys have been in my bathroom. That's not right. Although, I've always had a soft spot for the Potters, and I was moderately partial to a Malfoy, too. Now, how can I help you two?"

"You were there, Myrtle, in the lake. They wrote about you. There must be a way out of these pipes," Albus said.

She sighed, kind of like she was bored. "I've been everywhere. Is there a specific place you're thinking of?"

"Well..." Albus began, unsure of how to explain it. "The second task. The lake task. You know, in the Triwizard Tournament. Twenty-five years ago. Harry, Max, and Cedric."

Moaning Myrtle now had a sad look on her face. "Such a shame the cute Diggory boy had to die. Not that your father isn't pretty, but Cedric'd be surprised at how many girls I had to hear doing love indications in this very bathroom...and the weeping after he died."

"Does my mother know about this?" I questioned.

"Doubt it. She didn't care about anyone else, because Cedric picked her."

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