Chapter 19

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  He was up there on the tower, weakly, climbing up. He stopped there for a while, gasping for air. He climbed again. He knew that bullets are shooting his way, but that won't stop him. He climbed up further. He was almost there. There was a thunder, but no lightning was seen. 
  'Last chance, I can't hold it anymore. Hatch started this, and I would finish this. This isn't fair, but life isn't fair anyway.' he thought. There were another loud thunder, then, there was a strong light, all became silent, the waves of the sea stopped mid-air, he fell down the tower, the sky became further, further and further. His back were peirced with unbearable pain. They were like sharp claws of the most deadly creatures in the world. He tried to lift his head but in vain. He used all his strength to move his eyes, glass, all things were glass. The pain on his back and front was killing him.
  'Where is Taylor? Where is Ostin? Where is my mum?' he thought.
  He then saw blood by the corner of his eyes, his shirt, his hands, his everything. His back of his head hurts.
  'What is my name? Mike? Michael? Mi…' he couldn't think properly because of the pain in his head. The sky. The clouds had gone away, he never saw any sky more beautiful than this. That's because he never really noticed. The simplest thing in the world is the most beautiful thing. He heard shoutings, it was them. It was the Hatch people, he wanted to run, but he couldn't even get up. His sight became blurry, and he passed out.

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