Chapter 13

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-Now, back in the jet with the Electroclan-
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Captain Fu and we are about to land on the runway of the Hong Kong International Airport in 30 to 40 minutes. Please take your seatbelts on when noticed. Thank you for your attention." And the captain put the mic down.
Jack was woken up by the broadcast. He looked around, everyone was asleep except for Edward and Nichelle, who was drawing. He thought he was asleep for 6 hours or 9 or 12... he can't remember. He stood up and walked to sit with Nichelle.
"A garden?" Jack sound surprised.
Nichelle was drawing a garden with lots of colourful flowers. She was a good artist.
"Yes. Any problem?"
"N... no... but I thought you draw skeletons and stuff."
Nichelle shook her head and laugh weakly while she continued her drawing.
Jack got back to his seat and placed his jacket on Abigail, who was still in a deep sleep and kissed her on he forehead. He thought he caught Nichelle staring at him.

After 15 minutes or so, Edward told Jack and Nichelle to wake everyone up. Taylor was sweating when she woke up. She was having a weird dream. Again. She didn't want to think about the dream again. They took their luggage and got of the jet. A grey van picked them up as soon as they got off the jet. And Ostin, start to burst out some 'Fun Facts' of Hong Kong.

"Do you know why we are riding a grey van now?" "No, tell me why," McKenna asked dearly. "It is because there are many grey vans in Hong Kong, you could easily spot many of them in one street, I think Edward choose driving the grey vans so that we would blend in easily," Ostin blurted, without gasping. "Actually no," Edward spitted out, "we just choose this grey van randomly."
"Oh." Ostin said bitterly.
"Then do you know that Hong Kong uses sea water to flush the toilet?" Ostin quickly added.
"Why would I want to know that?" ignored Tessa.
"That's sick bro," Torstyn laughed. Everyone went silent. The Electroclan still weren't used to Tara, Quentin and Torstyn joining them. But seems that Ostin couldn't see it, and he continued, "Do you know that Hong Kong means 'fragrant harbour' in Chinese?"
"I can't believe I known you for few weeks and I can still endure you," Cassy mumbled. Although it was barely a whisper, Ostin seems sad. McKenna just stared at Cassy madly. And the next half an hour, they just sat there and flew off in their own minds.

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