35- Failing Everything

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(Evan's P.O.V)

My eyes felt hot, heavy and swollen. I felt as if someone had just punched the living air out of me. Knitting my brown eyebrows together and not knowing what had happened, I slowly opened my eyelids.

The trees and the skies above me were blurry. Was my vision blurry from the beginning? I squinted my eyes and tried to blink away the blurry spots, but everything remained blurry. I coughed and wondered if I had low hearing as well. My cough sounded like it came from so many feet away. An annoying ringing sensation in my ear signaled me something I didn't want to know.

Did I nearly go deaf because of that explosion? Propping myself onto my shaking elbows, I searched around the perimeter; finding nothing but smoke and dirt every where. I had no clue where Christina was and didn't know if David really did sacrifice himself.

Was this all a dream?
Of course not, I knew better.

I was laying down on the forest grounds with smoke every where, every thing I thought had happened - really actually happened.

Quickly sitting up and trying to steady my heart, my brown eyes told me that I didn't know my surroundings. Where was I? Did I really go that far from the explosion?

The explosion....
The guards...

I remembered it all now. How David and I met Christina. David: giving me his last painful smile. The guards: flying in the air and onto the hard ground. Moving object who I think is Cartoonz: traveling off into the forest. Jonathan: hopefully okay and with Tyler.

I tiredly rubbed my eyes and tried to get the blurry spots away from my vision once again. But nothing changed, I still saw every thing as blurry. The tree's weren't as beautiful as they use to be. Their leaves fell down to the ground, burnt and lit on fire.

. . . The explosion did all of this?

Subsiding my thoughts, I immediately got off of the dirty grass and stood my ground. No sounds came from the distance. And surely, no one was seen. David's last smile ran through my thoughts like it did with my memories. A picture...in my head...

It was all too painful to comprehend. David is gone, King Opfres is dead, I don't know where Christina is and I certainly don't know if Jonathan and Tyler made it to the river stream. I checked my surroundings once again to see if I could spot something white with my blurry vision.

Christina's outfit was all white, so it couldn't be too hard to point out. I continued to observe the burnt bushes and tree's, to see if i'd get any sign of seeing her. But not one clue showed up. Every thing had wiped out from the explosion and I was the only one standing. Something inside of me told me to keep searching. I wasn't going to give up just because I couldn't find any clues.

So with weak bones and tired eyes, I looked around more. I went farther back and farther forward. Where was she? Shutting my eyes closed, I imagined every one on that peaceful beach Tyler had told me about. The blue tidal waves reflecting the beautiful colors in the horizon and the calm whispering winds passing by our ears. I reopened my eyes, but didn't see what I had wanted to see.

What did I expect? I was alone, hungry, dirty and worried. Nothing good could possibly come out of this.

And that's when it happened...

I should have never said what I had last thought about. Because right in front of my blurry eyes, I saw Christina off into the distance. The sight was too unbearable to see. It signaled evil and destruction.

Christina's body hung from a tree, and a pointy tree branch poked through her skin and pierced her stomach. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth was partially spread apart. The insides of my stomach felt as if it was turning in circles and an unknown feeling overwhelmed me. I couldn't keep looking at her, puking at her dead body would be disrespectful.

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