9- The 'New' Prisoner (Plan in Action)

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(Evan's P.O.V)

I entered my assigned room number. It looked cozy yet different than any other room i've been in. I suspected there to be a small bed with tiny drawers next to it and a small window.

I should've known. This whole place had colors prancing along the walls. There's obviously going to be color in my room.

The bed took the whole left side of the room, making it towards where I could simply lay on one side and then three other people could sleep on the other side. But this whole room was for me.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times to stare at the color that laid upon the blankets. It was the same color as the apple that King Opfres gave me....and then David eating it all. I sighed as my thoughts drifted onto David.

I knew it was my fault for bringing him into this. But I promise that if I were to get out...I would bring him with me. He would be my first choice.

The windows gave the whole room a glow of relaxation and calmness. The forest that David and I explored was seen clearly beyond the huge gate that surrounded it. I remembered how astonished David was to see a new castle in sight.

I shook my head, slightly discovering that I was thinking about him with every subject I brought up. I quietly shut the door behind of me and immediately felt more tired than I had expected to be. My body quickly threw itself onto the new bed that I had discovered and bounced three times from how much force I put into it.

My back felt like it had just been popped by an expert. It was amazing and it felt great to be in a bigger bed where I could spread my whole body out without a care. Before I could close my eyes, I heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

For some reason, I never noticed that I could tell who the person was if I just listened to the sounds of their feet. Sure, I would know who exactly it was if they were two heavy feet. Don't remind me about them. But most of the other peoples feet had a similar sound to them. How would it be possible enough for me to tell which shoes are who's?

The door to my room quickly swung open without a care revealing a man with light brown hair, blue clouded eyes and black glasses. His eyes landed on mine as soon as he walked into the room. Making the tension more awkward than it should have been.

"Uh...I think you have the wrong room dude." Said the strange man that almost dressed exactly like me. There was this weird thing to his voice that made him sound....gentle? Maybe friendly in a way?

Even though he looked as if he could punch anyone out right now he still looked a bit friendly. I looked around the room in confusion. I'm sure I had gotten my room number right. Maybe he has the wrong room.

"Um...no. This is my room. I think you have the wrong room." I said in a weird and awkward voice.

Maybe he was another slave in this god forsaken place. The man's eyebrows furrowed in frustration and anger.

"No, this is my room faggot. Get out." The tone to his voice almost made me smile with pleasure. He didn't sound threatening, no matter how loud he yelled. He still took the surroundings of a friendly person.

But since he said the word 'faggot' it kind of threw me off. Immediately, his posture then became rude and threatening.

"Cartoonz assigned me to this room. So, who ever took a shit in your morning breakfast- I don't wanna hear it- take it somewhere else." I said back to him in a frustrated voice. I was already bruised up enough, I don't want any trouble with this man at all. The man quickly shut the door behind of him and dropped the things that were in his hands.

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