6- The Punisher and Whistle

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(Evan's P.O.V)

"YOUR PUNISHMENT WILL LAST UP TO ONE HOUR!" Yelled out the thundering voice over the silent hallway. I didn't make it in time...only because of that stupid door knob.

"How would I know how to get to the inventory place?!" I yelled back to the voice as arms started to take a hold on me and pull me away. 

"Hey! Put me down!" I yelled out to all of the guards who were now pulling me into a stranger place than where the voice was. This inventory place they talk of...wasn't as bad as it looked. It sure looked nicer than King Opfres's place, that's for sure. "You are now a servant for the king and will follow orders. You must work with the others. If you do not follow orders your punishment will go on for two hours."  Said a voice to my left which I turned my head to see that it was Cartoonz.

"Wait! What happened to David? Where's the guy I had with me earlier! Did you hurt him?" I blurted out all I was worried about. 

I still couldn't get that nail biting situation where I knew all of this was my fault. Cartoonz stared at me for a moment with a blank expression...then a smirk settled upon his lips.

"Ah...you mean the fragile boy? He's just fine. He's somewhere you won't be able to find him and somewhere where you can't even reach anyways. It's against the rules to cross a boundary."  Said Cartoonz as he took his pointer finger and slid it across a metal bar that lead all the way to the entrance of the castle. He then lifted his finger up and stared at it with disgust.

"Ugh, clean this damn thing servant. From here all the way to the entrance....here."  Cartoons said as he threw a piece of rag at me with scrubs. So...what was my punishment? This? Working for one hour straight? Or was it something even worser than this? 

"You shall remain silent throughout your shift and you'll receive a room number after you are done." Said Cartoonz as he took one last look at me and left me with the guards watching over me. They were probably keeping an eye out, seeing if I did do my job or not. I opened my mouth to tell the guards to go away but then I remembered the rule that I couldn't talk. I immediately closed my mouth and bit my bottom lip. 

I frustratedly lifted up my scrubber and scrubbed that damn metal bar. It had made screeching sounds but I was too mad to care.

"Careful on that you stupid peasant!" Yelled out one of the guards as I ignored the order. Who were they to order me?  I was a lot of a bigger size then they were. I could take them down easily. I scrubbed viciously against the bar and could see the metal getting tiny scratches from my scrubber. I paused for a moment and took in all that has happened. Why was it me he had to pick? 

Why not....anyone else instead of me? Why do I have to be so responsible?!?

"Do not stop working peasant!" I heard the guard yell to me as I clutched onto my scrubber even harder towards where my hands turned white. I hated that word....'peasant'....and I hated being bossed around.  "Grr" I growled under my breath as I continued to scrub against the metal bar. 

Thankfully, before any other orders came my shift ended. Of course, I had forgotten about my punishment so when I returned to Cartoonz he had taken a hold on me and dragged me to a different place where there was no exciting color against the walls. Nothing but grey covered the walls and floors, there was a small chair sitting in the middle of the silent room. It didn't look that bad....but I still had no idea what was going on until I heard, "King Delirious! Your slave is here for punishment!" 

And with that he pushed me towards the chair and locked the door behind of him. I quickly turned in all directions for a peak at the King. They all once said that no one has ever seen his face except for Cartoonz....maybe this was the moment where I would see this mans face.

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