5- One Minute

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Our heads hung low as the guards took us to a place they called, 'The Misfortunates'. Of course, we didn't want to go without putting up a fight, so I tried to snatch some rifles away but.....it didn't turn out so well....telling the fact that my leg was hurting hell of badly. Let me explain, i'll try to put it in the shortest way possible because it's too embarrassing for my reputation against King Delirious. While I tried to take a rifle away a guard behind of me hit my leg with the back of his gun and made me fall to the ground. I knew I was going to have a huge ass bruise tomorrow. 

My droopy head looked over at David and he seemed to think the same thing as me. We were fucked. What would we do? How did the guards know that we were there? "Cartoonz, we have found new slaves and prisoners for us."  I heard one of the guards say from my right. That's the one that damaged my damn leg....I was surely going to get revenge. I didn't notice what was going on until I turned my head forward and looked at what was there.

A man with a redish and brownish beard with short brown hair, brown eyes that were small and round, thin pale pink lips, tall and broad stood in my view. Not only did his appearance come to a surprise but so did his name. 

He was King Delirious's helper. His messenger and his worker. He was Cartoonz.

"Hmmm....where'd you find these despicable slaves at?" Said Cartoonz as he leaned in to study my face. He grabbed my chin with his fingers and angled my face from side to side, like he was trying to see my perfections and imperfections.

"Found them outside of the barrier. They were trying to break into our kingdom. But....they fell for the orange button." Said another one of the guards that was holding David down. 

Now I knew what the color was.....it was orange. But the color looked so.....beautiful and bright. The button was a decoy....almost like a hint to all of the guards to let them know that we were there. Smart, i'd say.

"Mmhm... I like this one. We're keeping this one. He seems strong and....let's just say.....good looking for a man. No, let me re-word that.....a slave. Our slave." Snickered out Cartoonz as he had a smirk crawling against his lips.

Great, I was a slave over at King Opfres's kingdom....now i'm a slave for King Delirious. Nope, I don't see that happening. Cartoonz moved his attention onto David....studying him like he studied me.

"Mmm....fragile, skinny, too tall......jaw bone isn't strong, a pretty boy, i'd say."  Said Cartoonz as soon as he looked away from David. All the while, I knew he was describing David perfectly well. David wasn't the muscular, buff and strong type of person. Same goes for his mentality. I frowned at Cartoonz, even though he was completely right about David, only because no one, not even with power, deserves to pick out ones imperfections.  Not one person on this filthy planet.

"So....we keep him?" Asked the guard that hit my leg with his gun. I slowly looked away from Cartoonz and to David, hoping that 'keeping' him meant something good.


And with that, the guards took a stronger hold on David and started dragging him away. I didn't know what was going on but I knew that it meant that something bad was happening. I looked away from David confused and empty. Mostly guilty, because it's my fault for bringing him into this mess. I will forever feel guilty if they did something else to him. 

I'm the one to blame.

"Take this one to the King. He'll be glad to see him." Said Cartoonz as he turned away from us and headed into a different direction. Well, I knew David was in for bad.......but what was in for me? 

The tall doors flew open and revealed a dark and gloomy room. There was only one light to fill up the room...and that was one lit up candle on a small table in the middle of the room. To be honest, this place was a lot more than I had expected. It's actually nicer than King Opfres's. There were actually colors that danced along the walls in all shades.  Some of them I had recognized, some I didn't even know existed. But this room we were in was....different. It wasn't filled with different kinds of colors but instead, was filled with nothing but long drapes of curtains all over the place. The curtains were a light blue but almost to a grey color. The texture on the curtain was something i've never seen before. It almost looked too fancy-like for me.

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