10- Liar

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(Evan's P.O.V)

Jonathan's blue eyes were almost like emerald diamonds. They could cut through anything. Not even a soul could get away from him.

I've learned a bit from him. He's really quiet, but I have yet to bring his inner-self out. He doesn't seem to like anyone.

Not even me.

Sometimes he just ignores me like the plague. Then, there's just those days where he'd hang out with me and talk a bit.

Today, was one of those days. Jonathan sat across from me during lunch time. His diamond cutting eyes slashed through his food within a heartbeat. He stared at it as if he suspected more from it. He looked down to the ground with some kind of regret look in his eyes.

"You okay?" I asked, just to get something out of him.

I don't understand how he could be this quiet. It's not really a challenge for me, but being this quiet means he's hiding things. It means he's hiding his true self from everyone.

And i'm going to see his real self soon.

Jonathan looked back up at me and slouches his shoulders. "This food looks utterly disgusting. I don't see how a prisoner could eat this."

He said, as he pushed his plate full of food away from him. For a moment, he looked at me wide eyed - like he released a secret. But once I started chuckling his facial expression had faded into a frown.

"This crap is all we'll ever get. Haven't you had this kind of food before? Where you use to be at?" I asked Jonathan in a somewhat confused matter. If he lives in this community, then he'd definitely tasted this cardboard food before. He'd definitely been inside a huge kingdom. But he never said anything about his location, there's something I need to find out.

"I-mean- yeah...We use to have this kind of food. It's just that the food they serve here is a bit too....plain." Said Jonathan as he folded his arms across his chest. Before knowing him, you'd think he was a psycho killer. But in reality, he's just insecure about himself.

I small smile crept upon my lips as I continued to stare at his face. His brown hair was short and shaved just a bit, but hair still appeared. He had a somewhat perfect shaped nose if you'd asked me.

His eyes were round which made his eyelashes seem longer than they should've been. He was a bit taller and looked a bit muscular, any girl would fall for him any day. If only he wasn't so insecure about his surroundings.

"Where was your last kingdom at?" I asked as I eyed the strange man in a blue hooded sweater. His face became blank for a moment, as if he didn't hear me.

But then it changed into a clueless/shocked face. For a moment, I thought he would never answer my question- but as soon as his mouth opened- I knew I was bound to get an answer.

"I...eh...I came from King...Opfres' Kingdom." He hesitated to answer, like he wasn't sure if that was the place he came from or not. My eyebrows met, confusion was rising in me. I've been around King Opfres' Kingdom for a long time, i'm pretty sure I would've recognized Jonathan's face. At that moment, I knew he had lied to me because he was insecure about himself.

So, instead of bugging him: I played along. "Weird. I've never seen you there before. I use to be one of King Opfres' prisoners but....yeah.." If he wasn't going to give me information, then I don't think i'd give him information. I need to gain his trust and he needs to gain mine, "How'd you get here?" He asked me, leaning against the table like I was going to tell an interesting story.

For some reason, that made me smile a bit. Thoughts were roaming my mind saying, 'Maybe it's not a good idea to lock yourself away from him. In order for you to gain his trust you must tell the truth.' I couldn't help but think that my deep thoughts were right. If I want to bring out his true self then I have to bring mine out.

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