18- The Different Memory

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(Evans' P.O.V)

Okay, what happened? Why did I do that incredulously stupid move on him? Just on that one prisoner like me?

Then again, it was worth it because it seemed to calm down Jonathan's nerves. In the end, what did it do to Jonathan and I? I felt like I did something so....wrong.

Is this is how the asshole felt when he did it to me? I imagined it as more smoothly when I did the actions. The most important question of them all is, how the hell did I know how to do this strategy?

With racing thoughts running through my mind, I lead Jonathan to my assigned room number while holding his hand. Why? I have no clue.

It's not like it felt special, just as that one memory had shown me with the man and the woman. There was more of a feeling to the heart, this was just a shock that went through my veins and maybe just a tint of awkwardness.

Jonathan's been acting...self-conscious. Is that the word for it? Or is it selfish?

Insecure? It's a word that describes a person always too shy or too scared to share their feelings to another. I think the word, insecure, fits it way better.

He's locking himself away from me and I don't want that. He's going to tell me where he went, if he doesn't....we're just gonna have to play the black-mailing game.

While my feet had a mind of their own, I zoomed off into my own little world and felt another strong sensation coming.


(memory begins)

The event happened in such a matter of way. There were kids all around the bright lit up room. Some were sitting down in blue metal chairs.

Some were sitting in orange metal chairs. It's like they were organized by color. The kids looked no older than five years of age.

Their eyes were looking straight ahead, interested of what was before their very eyes. But there was something else about their eyes. They weren't just regular pupils.

It showed something strong: Innocence. That's what it was.

They were all innocent and had no idea what bad was in this world. That's what made their eyes so beautiful. Looking where all the kids' eyes were staring at, I saw a....an angel. Literally? I have no clue. But she glowed in the brightest way possible. She wore of bright colors against her skin.

But looked as innocent as the children around her. She looked as if she adored them in an equal way. Her blonde hair looked like that one nurses' hair!

The way it swiveled in circles and laid gently upon her shoulders. When she would talk or walk they'd bounce ever so slightly. Her lips were a soft pink color, I knew they couldn't have been the real deal.

She must've coated her lips with something. A material of some type. Her hazel eyes focused on every one of the children as she held up cards with pictures on them.

"E is for Elephant. Can you all say that for me?" Her voice was distant, away from mine, muffled in a way. But I could still here her like I was listening through a locked door. Elephant? What's an elephant? The kids around the angel repeated her words in a high pitched voice.

Every once and a while, the kids would stop and whisper to each other and giggle. But how could we take a secret so strong with kids? They were innocent and knew nothing of the troubles out in this cruel of a world.

They were the future...and to think of it....I was innocent once. Wasn't I still innocent? I have never ever....killed someone or punished someone.

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