12- Do They Know More than I Think?

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(King Delirious' P.O.V)

I managed to quickly zoom past everyone. Stupid peasants, they don't suspect a thing from me. They think of me as a prisoner. 

When i'm the King, no one calls me a prisoner.


I sprinted all the way to my assigned 'room number' and locked my door shut. 

First week of being a prisoner? Check. I'm not completely done with the plan yet. I still need to gain Evan's trust and turn around and kill him. 

And his friend, David. Coming to think of it, I haven't checked up on David in a while. Without hesitation, I threw off all of my disgusting prisoner clothes and changed into my beautiful King clothes. 

Clothes that belonged to me and me only. My King clothes were inside of a little bag that I hid under all of my prisoner clothes from my closet. Especially my mask. 

I can't let anyone see my face. Otherwise, they'll immediately find out who I am. After changing into my own clothes, there was this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

Like I was doing the wrong thing. That being the King wasn't right. Shaking my head, I quickly denied all of my thoughts and knew that my plan was bound to work and soon....Evan's guts will be all over my knife.  Before I go back to see Evan, I must make up an excuse for my disappearance. Now, as for me being King...they don't really bother me, but i'll make one up just in case. 

I strapped my mask and made sure that it would never fall off. Secured. I picked up all of my prisoner clothes and threw them into my closet without hanging the shirt. 

I slowly trudged my way to my door and hesitantly turned the door nob. It made one of the most loudest creaking sounds I could ever hear, but no one was in sight once the door was fully open. I looked from left to right and made sure no one was looking. 

Nobody was around. I grabbed onto the door nob and slammed it shut behind of me, never seeing the room again...until next week. Just thinking about next week made me feel disgusting already. 

I stood in my spot and looked around for a bit, making sure that all the prisoners' doors were closed. They weren't allowed to leave their rooms unless they were done with their shifts or had to eat or....take care of their 'business' things in the restroom. 

Showers? They didn't get showers unless I told them to. A twitch seemed to happen in the curve of my eyebrow as soon as I saw someone in the middle of the hallway.  Someone I could trust. But with him and I in this long hallway, he's obviously going to ask me questions of why i'm here. Cartoonz' eyes met mine, confusion written all over his face. 

"King Delirious? What brings you here?" Cartoonz asked, looking around the room for something important that I was talking to or either looking at. 

I paused for a moment and thought of a legit lie that he'd believe. In a flash, I said, "I came to check up on the prisoners. I wanted to see if they were all in their rooms. Just wanted to get some time off of your shoulders." 

I shrugged my shoulders and tried to act calm. "But...you'd never do this for anyone. Not even me because you're a complete asshole like that."  Chuckled Cartoonz, making me frown in return.

"Hey, just be glad I actually did this for you. There's no other time you'll ever see me like this."  I argued back at him. I may be helping, but I won't do this again when he's around.

"Hehe, yeah. Just to let you know, because I couldn't find you earlier, I let one of the prisoners go take a shower. Well...actually two of them."  My eyes widened at his response, not because of shock. By anger, because no one goes in the showers until I tell them to.

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