11- Finally Alone

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(Evan's P.O.V)

The days passed by like a plastic bag drifting through the wind. I could barely remember the last time I talked to Jonathan. He's disappeared somewhere.

I waited during lunch, I never saw his appearance. I waited while I was doing my shift, no one came. I waited to walk with him down the long hallways for our room numbers, not a person in sight.

I guess today was one of those days where he'd avoid me like the plague. I actually don't mind being alone. I'm just curious as to where he goes.

I kept my head hanging low as I made my way to my room number. I feel like I haven't taken a shower in weeks. I feel disgusting.

With that thought in mind, I quickly turned back around to head to Cartoonz and ask where the showers were. Hopefully, he'll let me.

As I started to make my way towards Cartoonz, faint pictures were appearing in the depths of my brain. Like a memory i've been in before. It sent electricity through my veins, making me want to move my body from side to side.

But they were only faint. I could barely see them, it was like a thought passing through my brain one moment....then disappearing after.

My eyes met Cartoonz', he laid against the wall in a somewhat lazy matter. His right foot was placed against the wall while his left foot stood in it's spot. His arms were crossed against his chest and his eyes looked at me with anger.

"Is there an explanation as to why you're not in your room?" He asked me as he immediately changed his position and stood up straight. His eyes never left mine as I stood five feet away from him.

"I was wondering if us, prisoners, could be able to....re-fresh ourselves...in the shower." I said, looking down, uneasily, at the gun that was held in Cartoonz' hand. His light brown eyebrow shot up with suspicion. As if he was having second thoughts about letting me go.

"What are you going to do in the showers?" He asked, changing the subject onto me. Legitimately, he's the dumbest person in the community. I literally told him what I wanted to do.

Re-fresh myself.

"To open the Chambers of Secrets." I stated out and looked at him like his IQ was lower than 20.

Cartoonz narrowed his eyes at me and threatened out, "Don't be a smart mouth on me." The gun in his hand lifted up a bit and signaled me to not be a 'smart-alic'.

"Sure, where's the showers?" I asked as I looked around the hallway, trying to find a door and hoping that a door with bold letters, saying 'showers', would magically appear in the air.

He hesitated to answer me but after his light brown eyes rolled, he pointed down a different direction and told me where to go. Yeah...keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there.

"Thanks." I stated out in a mono-toned voice. All the while, the faint pictures were still seen and somehow had gotten clearer than before. My feet dragged me along the corridors of this god forsaken place, seeing a few solid objects along the way. Trying to catch the pictures in my head, I had finally made my way to the 'shower' rooms.

The shower room was more...fancier than King Opfres'. Light blue was dragged along the walls, making it seem calm and peaceful. Just like the faint pictures going through my head. I looked around for a few moments, just to get used to my surroundings. Bar soaps were in each stall and shampoo bottles were...clearly seen. I don't remember the last time I touched an actual shampoo bottle.

It's been years, King Opfres only gave us rags to clean ourselves. All this time, he's convinced us that King Delirious was the most unmerciful man in the community. In reality, he's better than what King Opfres can do.

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