Chapter 12

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Walking to History, I knocked into a brown haired girl with blonde streaks in her hair.

"Sorry; wait aren't you the new girl?" she asks

I nod my head and turn to go.

"I'm Ustina, what class are you going to?" Ustina asks

"Um, Larkins, history." I say stating the teacher and subject.

"Same! I'll walk you there!" Ustina says smiling. For the rest of the walk we chat and I'm glad I'm friendly with this girl. She's nice!

I walked into History with Ustina very quiet. Mr. Larkins greeted me warmly and gave me my seat. Thankfully, I sat right behind Ustina. Ustina introduced me to the class and said how we just became friends. I gave the shy, half a wave and took my seat. I looked around and luckily, no Brendon in sight. I relaxed the rest of class, and almost fell asleep. Ustina woke me up with her chattering away of boys and what not though.

In the middle of class we stopped the lesson and Mr. Larkins asked the class some random questions. At first I wasn't paying attention, until One question jolted me awake."

"If you could have a superpower, or a special ability, what would it be?" Mr. Larkins asked.

Many people shared their answers, mostly including "flying","super-strength", and "shooting out lasers" type of powers.

Mr. Larkins tried getting me into the conversation and asked me. I said how I would want the power to Control Water and Ice. It took all of my Will power not to smirk, because the joke is, I can control them both.

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