Chapter 7

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Reading yesterday was enchanting with a delightful, cute guy named Brendon; but of course today, it was hell. Of coarse Brendon sat next to me since we had assigned seats. For the first half of class Brendon wouldn't even look at Me, I didn't care though. As the second half of class started, Mrs. Marms had to leave the room for five minutes.

"So are you dating Jake?" Brendon said suddenly not looking me in the eyes.

"Not yet, I'm mean I don't like anybody right now, so maybe something might happen." I replied back, my voice as cold as the snow.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Brendon asked, his voice cracking in between.

"What do you mean" I asked, blinking back tears, " Your the one making out with girls in the closet! I sat and cried all day. And guess who was there for me when you weren't? Jake, he sat there and let me cry on his shoulder all afternoon while you didn't do anything except for break me." I finish my full hearted speech and look him in the eyes.

Brendon turns away from my face again and says "You know I would never hurt you."

"Then why did you?" I ask as the bell rings and I slip out into the hallway.

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