Chapter 10

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I walked to the cafe part of the cafeteria and bought a water. On my way back to my seat, Jake stopped me.

"Hey! I learned how to balance a spoon on my nose watch!" He said excitedly as he tried it. Watching him epically fail, I laughed so hard I almost cried.

"I guess I should keep trying with that, right?" Jake asked but laughed at himself.

"I gotta love ya Jake." I say then hug him. Jake hugged me back and I saw him send a smirk to Brendon from his table.

"Well I got to go, Emily, Fantasia, and Sadie are waiting for me!" I finally say getting out if his bear hug.

"See you love!" Jake says, smiles, then walks away.

I walk back to my seat and I notice Emily wiggling her eyebrows and all the other girls smirking at me.

"What?!" I ask confused

"Jake has the hots for you. Good choice though, he's never dated anybody and is super nice. I pick him over Brendon." Fantasia says and everyone at the table nods their heads in agreement.

"The really question is, do you like him." Sadie says.

" I definitely have feelings for him but I'm not sure what they are. I liked Brendon a lot but then he did the thing in the closet so now I don't think I can trust him. " I say sighing, "I don't have to like anyone, and I certainly don't have to pick one or the other... Right?"

Everyone is silent but than Emily says "Don't worry, we will be here for you

every step of the way. " and everyone verbally agrees.

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