District 7:The Plan

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There were no more deaths that day. Abbie and I fell asleep that night together. It was...surprisingly nice.

I woke up to find Marvel still asleep. Glimmer was eyeing Cato who was still asleep. He held Adriana close to him. Louis had his arms wrapped around Emma. She was awake. She looked frustrated. But she wouldn't move as not to wake Louis.

Abbie stirred awake.


"Alright, everone up!" I shouted as soon as I had barely opened my eyes.

There were groans. But everyone was awake now.

"Marvel, Glimmer, go find some meat. Emme and Louis, stay as guards here. Zayn, Cato, Adriana, and I will go gather."

For a minute, no one moved. But then I shot them a look of death and they scatted.

*         *          *

Once in the woods, I found a tree for me, Zayn, Adriana, and Cato to sit under.

I began to explain what needed to happen. "Marvel and Glimmer are threats. Louis may be able to throw a spear and Emma is strong. But they'd never kill anybody."

"Are you suggesting that we kill them?" asked Zayn.

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting."

"I'm in," piped up Adriana.

"Me too," replied Cato.

I looked at Zayn. "Fine," he replied.

*             *             *

Once we got back, we ate a fine meal of squirrels and berries. Then night fell. Zayn and I were going to take down Glimmer while Cato and Adriana handled Marvel.


Once night fell, we waited for everyone to fall asleep.

*       *        *

"It's time," Abbie said.

I grabbed a sword from the wall of weapons in the Cornicopia. But then I began to freak out.

"Abbie, I can't do this," I said.

"Yes Zayn, you can," she replied.

"I'm not strong enough."

"She's asleep."

"I'm a chicken."

"You're not a chicken. And if you were, I'd eat you because I'm starving."

I chuckled.

"I have no motivation," I said.

And then she kissed me. It was sweet and soft. Our lips barey touched.

"You do now," she said.

And then I slit Glimmer's throat.

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